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Showing posts from August, 2013

Beberapa Penyakit Yang Menimbulkan Bercak Merah Dan Demam

Sumber: -  Saat anak demam dan timbul bercak merah di seluruh badan, seringkali dianggap penyakit campak (gabag, karumut). Padahal, campak tidak harus selalu ditandai dengan demam yang disertai bercak merah. Berbagai penyakit lain juga dapat timbul dengan gangguan seperti itu. Kesalahan diagnosis tersebut bukan hanya terjadi pada orang awam, dokterpun sering terkecoh oleh tampilan berbagai penyakit lain yang dianggap sebagai campak. Sehingga, seringkali anak didiagnosis campak lebih dari sekali, karena seharusnya bila terkena penyakit campak seumur hidup tidak pernah terkena lagi karena mempunyai kekebalan alamiah permanen. Bila diagnosis campak tidak benar, anak tidak diimunisasi campak karena sudah mengalami campak, padahal diagnosisnya tidak benar. Keadaan ini berisiko anak dapat...

Parallax Propeller P8X32A Quick Teardown

Parallax has a really neat 8 core 32 bit CPU called the ‘Propeller’.  It’s been out for a few years but it is gaining popularity.  There is no security with the device as it boots insecurely via a UART or I2C EEPROM.  None the less, we thought it was interesting to see an 8 core CPU decapsulated!

Buku "Nature of Code"

Sumber: Preface P.1 What is this book? At ITP , I teach a course entitled Introduction to Computational Media. In this course, the students learn the basics of programming (variables, conditionals, loops, objects, arrays) as well as a survey of applications related to making interactive projects (images, pixels, computer vision, networking, data, 3D). The course mostly follows the material found in my intro book Learning Processing ; in many ways, The Nature of Code serves as a follow-up. Once you’ve learned the basics and seen an array of applications, your next step might be to delve deeply into a particular area. For example, you could focus on computer vision (and read a book like Greg Borenstein’s Making Things See ). In the most basic sense, this book is one possible next step i...

“thereisnofatebutwhat­wemake”—Turbo-charged cracking comes to long passwords For the first time, the freely available password cracker ocl-Hashcat-plus is able to tackle passcodes with as many as 55 characters. It's an improvement that comes as more and more people are relying on long passcodes and phrases to protect their website accounts and other online assets. Until now, ocl-Hashcat-plus , the Hashcat version that can use dozens of graphics cards to simultaneously crack huge numbers of cryptographic hashes, has limited guesses to 15 or fewer characters. ( oclHashcat-lite and Hashcat have supported longer passwords, but these programs frequently take much longer to work.) Released over the weekend, ocl-Hashcat-plus version 0.15 can generally accommodate passwords with lengths of 55 characters. Depending on the hash that's being targete...

phpsysinfo Features Operating System Information (Version, Uptime, ...) CPU, Memory and Disk usage Networks information SMART, Fans, Temperatures, ... Multi-languages Customizable templates Set of plugins And many more... News phpSysInfo 3.1.6 released (July 22, 2013) phpSysInfo 3.1.5 released (June 30, 2013) phpSysInfo 3.1.4 released (June 5, 2013) phpSysInfo 3.1.3 released (April 22, 2013) phpSysInfo 3.1.2 released (February 28, 2013) phpSysInfo 3.1.1 released (February 5, 2013) phpSysInfo 3.1.0 released (January 19, 2013) phpSysInfo migrate to GitHub! (December 9, 2012) phpSysInfo 3.0.20 released (December 9, 2012) Installation and Usage Just extract phpSysInfo in your web directory Create your config file: cp phpsysinfo.ini ...

What happens when you sit at a desk for 13 years - and actually exercise.

What happens when you sit at a desk for 13 years - and actually exercise. This writing was prompted by yet another article posted to Hacker News . There is always an overabundance of articles about somebody moving to a standing desk to combat some health issue. To me, this has always seemed a bit futile as well as overkill. You're still sedentary. You're providing very little benefit to your overall well being and it's simply yet another way that people are trying to get something for nothing when it comes to health . I've read a lot of the examples of it's positive effects. I've read a lot of the raving reviews of people that do this, but I ultimately come to the same conclusion every time I read this stuff... exercise a little bit every day. It's healthier than standing all day, it's free, doesn't require expensive furnit...

The Science Behind Honey’s Eternal Shelf Life Modern archeologists, excavating ancient Egyptian tombs, have often found something unexpected amongst the tombs' artifacts: pots of honey, thousands of years old, and yet still preserved. Through millennia, the archeologists discover, the food remains unspoiled, an unmistakable testament to the eternal shelf-life of honey. There are a few other examples of foods that keep–indefinitely–in their raw state: salt, sugar, dried rice are a few. But there's something about honey; it can remain preserved in a completely edible form, and while you wouldn't want to chow down on raw rice or straight salt, one could ostensibly dip into a thousand year old jar of honey and enjoy it, without preparation, as if it were a day old. Moreover, honey's longevity lends it other properties–mainly medicinal–that other resilient foods don't have. Which raises the question–what e...

Dead Drop Fork DeadDrop DeadDrop Documentation DeadDrop is a server application intended to let news organizations and others set up an online drop box for sources. It's open source software written by Aaron Swartz in consultation with a volunteer team of security experts. In addition to Aaron's code, the project includes installation scripts and set-up instructions both for the software, and for a hardened Ubuntu environment on which to run it. DeadDrop was created with the goal of placing a secure drop box within reach of anyone with the need. But at this point expertise is still required to safety deploy this software. And the software itself needs more work. DeadDrop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program, and all material ...

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