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Showing posts from December, 2013

Kasmaran Bermatematika

Suimber: Dimuat di Kompas, 26 Desember 2013 Sekitar 10 tahun lampau kami beberapa dosen matematika (Hendra Gunawan, Koko Martono, dan saya) diminta oleh Balitbang Kemdikbud untuk mengkaji hasil tes Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000. Walau hasil siswa RI dalam PISA pertama itu di peringkat ke-39 dari 41 negara peserta – hanya lebih baik dari Peru dan Brazil – namun sama sekali tak mengejutkan kami. Ini karena kami menyadari soal di PISA menguji kemampuan bernalar. Malah hasil itu mendukung pendapat awal kami bahwa pendidikan matematika di tingkat dasar dan menengah tak tanggap beradaptasi dengan kehidupan modern. Memang keilmuan matematika tetap sama, tetapi perannya dalam kehidupan telah berubah drastis. Siswa di negara lain belajar kecakapan bermatematika dengan mempertimbangkan ketersediaan teknologi dalam kehidupan. Sementara pendidikan matematika di tanah air ini masih membayangkan ...

The PISA 2012 scores show the failure of 'market based' education reform The PISA 2012 scores show the failure of 'market based' education reform A truly successful education system has students of all socio-economic backgrounds scoring highly on PISA tests When PISA results were first presented 12 years ago, the participating countries were excited to see how their school systems perform compared to one another. Now the launch of the fifth PISA results is accompanied by more criticism than before due to the issues with cross-country comparisons and the dominant role that PISA plays in determining priorities for national education policies. Whatever its limitations are, the data from more than half a million 15-year-olds around the world is now here, and we should try to make the best out of them. An appropriate use of PISA data is not to create global league tables that praise or shame countries for their performances in standardized mathema...

Can’t We Do Better? Can't We Do Better? By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Published: December 7, 2013 4 Comments THE latest results in the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, which compare how well 15-year-olds in 65 cities and countries can apply math, science and reading skills to solve real-world problems were released last week, and it wasn't pretty for the home team. Andreas Schleicher, who manages PISA, told the Department of Education: "Three years ago, I came here with a special report benchmarking the U.S. against some of the best performing and rapidly improving education systems. Most of them have pulled further ahead, whether it is Brazil that advanced from the bottom, Germany and Poland that moved from adequate to good, or Shanghai and Singapore that moved from good to great. The math results of top-performer Shanghai are now two-and-a-half school years ahead even of those...

Indonesian kids don't know how stupid they are Four cars have different engine capacites: Alpha: 1.79 Bolte: 1.796 Castel: 1.82 Dezal: 1.783 Which of the cars has the smallest engine capacity? It’s not a trick question. But over 75 percent of 15 year-old school children in Indonesia do not have the mathematical skills to answer it correctly. Every three years, Indonesia’s education system goes through the ritual humiliation of the PISA tests , comparing the performance of 15 year-olds in 65 countries in reading, maths and science. Indonesia has more teachers per student than most much richer countries, and an amendment to the constitution guarantees that 20 percent of the national budget is spent on education. And yet the 2012 PISA results, released this week, show that Indonesia ranked at the bottom of the heap in maths and science, and did only marginally better in reading. A full 42% of 15 year-old Indonesians in school don’t rea...