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Showing posts from February, 2015

A poor man's seedbox for $15 a year Seedbox is basically just a server with torrent client installed. A seedbox usually goes for $15 a month for a decent one and $7 a month for a cheap one. It’s rather easy to setup a VPS as a seedbox and save yourself some money. I have a pretty good experience with RamNode . In fact, I’m running my website on one of their VPS right now. Though it’s cheap but it’s actually more than what I need for my static website. For $15 a year, you will get 80GB of space/500GB bandwidth monthly, 128MB RAM and 100Mbps ethernet, which is ok if you’re just a casual torrent downloader like me. If you’re looking for more, I suggest you take a look at Hetzner or OVH . Get a VPS at RamNode Sign up for the massive plan (cheapest one) for $15 a year and select the geolocation closeast to your location. There are 4 datacenters that you can select from which are NYC, ATL, SEA and NL. Also, select Ubuntu 14.0...

Kisah Sukses TIP TOP swalayan

Sumber: Kisah Sukses TIP TOP swalayan Kebakaran itu Ternyata Cobaan Majalah Tarbawi Edisi 16 Th 2 31 Januari 2001 M / Syawal 1421 H Saya lahir pada tahun 1933, di Padang, Sumatera Barat. Alhamdulillah sejak kecil orang tua mendidik saya dengan ajaran Islam yang ketat. Ayah saya berlatar pedagang. Sejak saya kecil, ia juga mendidik saya untuk berdagang. Sekaligus mengajarkan akhlaq berdagang. Suatu saat tanpa disadari, ayah saya kurang mengembalikan uang pembeli. Tetapi pembeli itu diam saja dan berlalu. Lekas dipanggilnya orang itu. Sewaktu saya bertanya mengapa dikembalikan sisa uangnya sedangkan orang itu tidak tahu. Ayah menjawab, Allah Maha Tahu. Sikap demikian akhirnya tertanam dalam hati nurani saya. Sewaktu baru berumur 11 tahun, saya sudah diberinya sejumlah uang. “Kamu mau dagang apa, terserah,” ujarnya lembut. Setiap pulang “berdagang”, saya melaporkan pendapatan saya. “Berapa kamu dapat ? Bagus,” pujinya. Waktu itu say...

New High-Tech Farm Equipment Is a Nightmare for Farmers I squatted down in the dirt and took stock of my inadequate tools. Over my left shoulder a massive John Deere tractor loomed. I came here to fix that tractor. So far, things weren’t going as planned. I’m a computer programmer by training, and a repairman by trade. Ten years ago, I started iFixit, an online, DIY community that teaches people to repair what they own. Repair is what I do, and that I was being rebuffed by a tractor was incredibly frustrating. Kyle Wiens Kyle Wiens is the co-founder and CEO of iFixit, an online repair community and parts retailer internationally renowned for their open source repair manuals and product teardowns. I tossed my wrenches and screwdrivers. The conventional tools of my trade had no power here. This job called for something different. Armed with wire, alligator clips, a handful of connectors, and a CANbus reader, I launched myself back into ...

Bencana karena kesalahan numerik Patriot Missile Failure On February 25, 1991, during the Gulf War, an American Patriot Missile battery in Dharan, Saudi Arabia, failed to intercept an incoming Iraqi Scud missile. The Scud struck an American Army barracks and killed 28 soldiers. A report of the General Accounting office, GAO/IMTEC-92-26, entitled Patriot Missile Defense: Software Problem Led to System Failure at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia reported on the cause of the failure. It turns out that the cause was an inaccurate calculation of the time since boot due to computer arithmetic errors. Specifically, the time in tenths of second as measured by the system's internal clock was multiplied by 1/10 to produce the time in seconds. This calculation was performed using a 24 bit fixed point regis...