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Showing posts from August, 2015

Mata Rantai Keilmuan Fiqh Mazhab Syafi'i

Mata rantai pemegang bendera keilmuan fiqh madzhab Syafi'i dari masa ke masa. Dengan sebab mereka, kita bisa mengetahui cara beribadah, mengetahui yang sah dan tidaknya dalam muamalah, yg intinya untuk mengetahui halal dan harom. Semoga Allah meridhoi mereka semua, dan kita mendapatkan manfaat dengan ilmu mereka di dunia dan di akhirat.

Engineering Disasters

1 Shoddy construction killed 600 Unsafe foundation In 1924-26, the famous engineer William Mulholland was responsible for the construction of the St. Francis Dam in California. Mulholland ignored several warnings of cracks, and during the night of 13 March 1928, things went wrong: The dam broke, and 46 million cubic metres of water surged into the Santa Clara Valley, killing approximately 600 people. William Mulholland had built the dam in a canyon with loose rock and increased its height without making the foundation proportionally thicker. Moreover, he had not made sure that water could not pass under the wall. The result was inevitable, and terrible 2 Miscalculation changed ecosystem Underground cavity On 21 November 1980, 12 Texaco employees were drilling for oil in the three metre deep Lake Peigneur in Louisiana Approximately 400 m into the ground, the drill became stuck, and the rig began to falter. The men managed to get themselves ashore, before the rig disappeared in a huge si...

Pandangan Mata Salamun'alaik Warahmatullahi Ta'ala Wabarakatuh.... Salam serta selawat ke atas Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam, ahli keluarga baginda serta salam kepada para sahabat yang berjuang menegakkan Islam di muka bumi ini. Sesungguhnya Allah SWT telah menjadikan manusia ini sebaik-baik kejadian. Ini jelas dinyatakan Allah dengan Firman Nya yang bermaksud, “Dan Kami jadikan manusia itu sebaik-baik kejadian.” (Surah At-Tiin, ayat 4) Manusia adalah sebaik-baik kejadian kerana Allah SWT mengurniakan akal kepadanya. Dengan akal manusia dapat membezakan antara yang baik dengan yang buruk, yang betul dengan yang salah atau antara yang hak dengan yang batil. Akal yang dianugerahkan ini juga sepatutnya dipandu dan digunakan untuk memikirkan tentang nikmat-nikmat dan rahmat-rahmat Allah SWT yang dikurniakan kepada kita agar kita bersyukur dan bertaqwa kepada-Nya. Apabila kita merenung sejenak terhadap nikmat-nikmat ...

How Zapier Went From Zero to 600,000+ Users in Just Three Years Wade Foster on Zapier’s unusual beta program, getting new users and building a successful remote team. Software integrations have been around for a very long time. But for most of that time, the ability to link two products together was exclusive to those with development skills; people who knew how to get under the hood and rewire things to make them work. A few years ago, Zapier changed all of that. The company democratized integrations in a way that made them accessible to just about anyone. The marketer who wants to connect his email marketing software to his analytics app? The CEO who needs to track her Trello to-do’s in three other apps? The tour guide who could save time by having bookings go straight from a booking form into his calendar? They can all accomplish those things with Zapier, without having to write a single line of code. It’s been a game changer for many; over 600,000 p...

Hari Akhir

Sumber: Bacalah sampai habis saudare2 ku... Selepas Malaikat Israfil meniup sangkakala (bentuknya seperti tanduk besar) yang memekakkan telinga, seluruh makhluk mati ke cuali Izrail & beberapa malaikat yang lain. Selepas itu, Izrail pun mencabut nyawa malaikat yang tinggal dan akhirnya nyawanya sendiri. * Selepas semua makhluk mati, Tuhan pun berfirman mafhumnya "Kepunyaan siapakah kerajaan hari ini?" Tiada siapa yang menjawab. Lalu Dia sendiri menjawab dengan keagunganNya "Kepunyaan Allah Yang Maha Esa lagi Maha Perkasa." Ini menunjukkan kebesaran & keagunganNya sebagai Tuhan yg Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Kekal Hidup, tidak mati. * Selepas 40 tahun, Malaikat Israfil a.s. dihidupkan, seterusnya meniup sangkakala untuk kali ke-2, lantas seluruh makhluk hidup semula di atas bumi putih, berupa padang Mahsyar (umpama padang Arafah) yang rat...

Elastic Because Insight from Data Matters We believe getting immediate, actionable insight from data matters. As the company behind the three open source projects — Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana — designed to take data from any source and search, analyze, and visualize it in real time, we are helping people make sense of data. From stock quotes to Twitter streams, Apache logs to WordPress blogs, our products are extending what's possible with data, delivering on the promise that good things come from connecting the dots.

How A Kalman Filter Works In Pictures I have to tell you about the Kalman filter, because what it does is pretty damn amazing. Surprisingly few software engineers and scientists seem to know about it, and that makes me sad because it is such a general and powerful tool for combining information in the presence of uncertainty. At times its ability to extract accurate information seems almost magical— and if it sounds like I’m talking this up too much, then take a look at this previously posted video where I demonstrate a Kalman filter figuring out the orientation of a free-floating body by looking at its velocity . Totally neat! What is it? You can use a Kalman filter in any place where you have uncertain information about some dynamic system, and you can make an educated guess about what the system is going to do next. Even if messy reality comes along and interferes with the clean motion you guessed about, the Kalman filter will often do a ...

Oracle explain exactly why you should only use Open Source software Unless you have been living under  a rock for the past few days, you are probably aware of the (in)famous "No, You Really Can't" blog post from Oracle.  The post sparked a firestorm of controversy with its ranting about the reasons Oracle customers can't probe Oracle products for security vulnerabilities.  The original post has been deleted, but a copy of the post can still be found at the Internet Archive. In the post, the author makes the following interesting comment: Even if you want to have reasonable certainty that suppliers take reasonable care in how they build their products – and there is so much more to assurance than running a scanning tool - there are a lot of things a customer can do like, gosh, actually talking to suppliers about their assurance programs or checking certifications for products for which there are Good Housekeeping seals for (or “good co...

The Teflon Toxin KEN WAMSLEY SOMETIMES DREAMS that he’s playing softball again. He’ll be at center field, just like when he played slow pitch back in his teens, or pounding the ball over the fence as the crowd goes wild. Other times, he’s somehow inexplicably back at work in the lab. Wamsley calls them nightmares, these stories that play out in his sleep, but really the only scary part is the end, when “I wake up and I have no rectum anymore.” Wamsley is 73. After developing rectal cancer and having surgery to treat it in 2002, he walks slowly and gets up from the bench in his small backyard slowly. His voice, which has a gentle Appalachian lilt, is still animated, though, especially when he talks about his happier days. There were many. While Wamsley knew plenty of people in Parkersburg, West Virginia, who struggled to stay employed, he made an enviable wage for almost four decades at the DuPont plant here. The c...

Wooden combination lock In terms of neat mechanical things to build out of wood, I figured a single dial sequential combination lock would be a neat thing to make. It would be relatively simple, involve movement, and also show people how a combination lock actually works.

he slinky machine: a slinky escalator This project started with some idle chatter with some guys I used to work with. Eric had this idea for a "slinky machine", which would essentially become an escalator on which a slinky continuously descends. Years passed and I occasionally teased Eric about it. Eventually, I figured he'd never build it and it was fair game for me to do it. I started with a slinky from Walmart and experimented with how high and how wide the steps needed to be for a slinky to descend. 10 cm of height and width per step seemed to be enough. I rigged

What is concrete The most popular artificial material on Earth isn’t steel, plastic, or aluminum — it’s concrete. Thousands of years ago, we used it to build civilizations, but then our knowledge of how to make it was lost. Here’s how we discovered concrete, forgot it, and then finally cracked the mystery of what makes it so strong. When we think concrete, we usually picture white pavements, swimming pools, and building foundations. Most of us aren’t aware of concrete’s fiery volcanic origin story, or that concrete is a $100 billion dollar industry. In fact, it’s the most widely-used material on our planet after water. Ton for ton, humans use more concrete today than steel, wood, plastics, and aluminum combined. Liquid Stone Unlike aluminum, steel or plastic, the word ‘concrete’ doesn’t refer to a single material. It can be any number of substances that combine rocks or gravel with some kind of adhesive material. Basically, concre...

Southeast Asia: why the real money is in logistics, not ecommerce A quiet revolution is underway in an obscure warehouse in Singapore, and you’d be hard pressed to pick its leader out of the pack. When drivers arrive at the nondescript building to report for duty at logistics startup Ninja Van , the CEO blends in among the other mostly 20-something men in polo shirts and flip-flops. Changwen Lai is a lifelong entrepreneur. As a student at Raffles Institution and Raffles Junior College – Singapore’s most elite schools alongside Hwa Chong Institution – he spent his free time buying used mobile phones at below-market prices from internet forums, and then selling them for a tidy sum. Later, he’d buy bicycle parts, put them together, and sell the two-wheelers for a profit. “I wanted extra pocket money,” he says, lighting up a cigarette. That was the best use of his free time, since he didn’t need to attend extra lessons – “tuition” as they’re called in Singapore – t...