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Showing posts from May, 2017

Competitive Programming Playlist Competitive Programming Playlist This playlist gets you from knowing basic programming to being a yellow-red rated coder in CodeChef / Codeforces / TopCoder / etc. Expected time to completion : 40-60 sessions (about 2-3 months) You'll learn about a dozen algorithms while solving problems. Each problem will teach you something new, so make sure you understand it before moving on. The algorithm tutorials include short intuitive video tutorials, as well as links to a more in-depth text tutorial. Pre-requisites : Basic knowledge of any programming language. If you don't have the pre-requisite, you should start here: C++ / Java / Python for Competitive Programming Subscribe to get started. Choose which days you would like to get reminder emails (if any). The reminder moves on to the next concept only when you mark current one as completed (self-paced). Why do we need (...

Cara mencegah terserang virus Ransomware Wannacrypt

Cara mencegah terserang virus Ransomware Wannacrypt 1. Putus koneksi ke internet. Cabut konektor kabel jaringan atau nonaktifkan wifi. Bisa juga matikan router wifi. 2. Non aktifkan Macro pd MS Office  caranya: Untuk MS Excel 2016 a. Jalankan MS Excel b. Klik menu "File" pilih "Options" c. Klik "Trust Center" d. Klik "Trust Center settings" e. Klik "Macro settings" f. Check/pilih "Disable all macros without notification" g. Klik "OK" h. Lakukan hal yg sama pd program MS Office yg lain seperti MS Word, Powerpoint, Access, Outlook. 3. Non aktifkan fitur File Sharing/Samba caranya: a. Jalankan Control Panel b. Klik "Programs" c. Dibawah bagian "Program and Features" klik "Turn Windows features on or off" d. Setelah muncul jendela baru, cari check list "SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support" dan hilangkan tanda check-nya e. Klik "OK" 4. Block port 139/445 dan 3389 caranya: a....

Siege an http load testing and benchmarking utility ABOUT SIEGE Siege is an http load testing and benchmarking utility. It was designed to let web developers measure their code under duress, to see how it will stand up to load on the internet. Siege supports basic authentication, cookies, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. It lets its user hit a server with a configurable number of simulated clients. Those clients place the server “under siege.”

Why Germany Still Has So Many Middle-Class Manufacturing Jobs Only about 1.1% of the world population is German. However, 48% of the mid-sized world market leaders come from Germany. These firms, which I call “Hidden Champions,” are part of what makes German economic growth more inclusive: by my calculations, they have created 1.5 million new jobs; have grown by 10% per year on average; and register five times as many patents per employee as large corporations. And they are resilient: my estimate is that in the last 25 years no more than 10% of them disappeared or were taken over, a distinctly lower percentage than for large corporations. Nearly all of them survived the great recession of 2008-2009. Moreover, Hidden Champions have also contributed to the sustainment of the German manufacturing base, and it is in large part thanks to them that nearly a quarter of the German gross domestic product continues to come from manufacturing. The percen...