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Showing posts from July, 2018

Maptiler Build your own maps We make it easy to create and self-host maps for your websites and products


Best Kali Linux Compatible USB Adapter / Dongles 2018 Best Kali Linux Compatible USB Adapter / Dongles 2018 By WirelesSHack | June 2, 2018 95 Comments Anyone who wants to test a WiFi signals security will need a few tools, with a compatible USB adapter being the most important. Kali Linux and Aircrack-ng is the most commonly used software with some other options also available. Finding a good USB adapter is necessary since most dongles can not go into Monitor Mode and do the things that wireless Pen Testing needs. What Makes a Kali Linux USB Adapter Compatible? The Chipset and Drivers written for a card is what makes a dongle compatible with Kali. To do wireless Penetration Testing a card must be able to go into Monitor Mode and do Packet Injections, most cards cant do this. There are known chipsets that will work with Kali ...

The global state of the art in engineering education

Laporan aslinya: "The global state of the art in engineering education" "The Impacts of Project Based Learning on Self-Directed Learning and Professional Skill Attainment "

French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday that school will soon be mandatory for children aged three years French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday that school will soon be mandatory for children aged three years and up, instead of the current age of six. While 97.6% of French school children are already enrolled at age three, according to education ministry figures from 2016, between 20,000 and 30,000 children do not start until later. The numbers are unevenly spread, with only 70% of three-year-olds attending school in France's overseas territories.

OSMnx: Python for Street Networks Check out the journal article about OSMnx. OSMnx is a Python package for downloading administrative boundary shapes and street networks from OpenStreetMap. It allows you to easily construct, project, visualize, and analyze complex street networks in Python with NetworkX. You can get a city’s or neighborhood’s walking, driving, or biking network with a single line of Python code. Then you can simply visualize cul-de-sacs or one-way streets, plot shortest-path routes, or calculate stats like intersection density, average node connectivity, or betweenness centrality. You can download/cite the paper here . In a single line of code, OSMnx lets you download, construct, and visualize the street network for, say, Modena Italy: 1 2 import osmnx as ox ox.plot_graph(ox.graph_from_place( 'Modena, Italy' ))

Menkominfo: Indonesia Butuh Coder dan Ahli Big Data Analysis Jakarta, Kominfo - Indonesia membutuhkan banyak sumberdaya manusia untuk menjadi coder dan ahli big data analysis.   Oleh karena itu Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Rudiantara mengajak untuk memetakan kebutuhan dan kolaborasi meningkatkan kompetensi generasi muda. "Selain coder, kita butuh juga ahli big data analysis. Kita perlu menghitung berapa ahli big data analysis yang kita miliki dan butuhkan," katanya dalam Halalbihalal dan FGD Masyarakat Telematika Indonesia di Hotel Morrissey, Jakarta, Kamis (5/7/2018). Dua keahlian itu dibutuhkan untuk memastikan Indonesia tidak tertinggal dengan negara lain dalam hal pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. "Kita memerlukan SDM yang mengetahui coding, bahkan di Singapura, coding sudah diajarkan sejak dari TK," jelas Menteri Kominfo membandingkan kesiapan negara tetangga.   Menteri Rudian...

Top Algorithms/Data Structures/Concepts every computer science student should know Top algorithms – Insertion sort , Selection sort , Bubble sort Merge Sort , Quicksort Binary Search Breadth First Search (BFS) Depth First Search (DFS) Lee algorithm | Shortest path in a Maze Flood fill Algorithm Floyd’s Cycle Detection Algorithm Kadane’s algorithm Longest Increasing Subsequence Inorder , Preorder , Postorder Tree Traversals Heap Sort Topological Sorting in a DAG Disjoint-Set Data Structure (Union-Find Algorithm) Kruskal’s Algorithm for finding Minimum Spanning Tree Single-Source Shortest Paths — Dijkstra’s Algorithm All-Pairs Shortest Paths — Floyd Warshall Algorithm Top Data Structures – Along with above algorithms, every computer science student is expected to implement below data structures – Linked List Implementation | Part 1 Linked List Implementation | Part 2 Insertion in BST Search given...