A few months ago it dawned on me that I didn’t really understand how computers work under the hood. I still don’t understand how modern computers work. However, after making my way through But How Do It Know? by J. Clark Scott, a book which describes the bits of a simple 8-bit computer from the NAND gates, through to the registers, RAM, bits of the CPU, ALU and I/O, I got a hankering to implement it in code. While I’m not that interested in the physics of the circuitry, the book just about skims the surface of those waters and gives a neat overview of the wiring and how bits move around the system without the requisite electrical engineering knowledge. For me though I can’t get comfortable with book descriptions, I have to see things in action and learn from my inevitable mistakes, which led me to chart a course on the rough seas of writing a circuit in code and getting a ...