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Showing posts from January, 2020 Communities across the United States are starting to ban facial recognition technologies. In May of last year, San Francisco banned facial recognition; the neighboring city of Oakland soon followed, as did Somerville and Brookline in Massachusetts (a statewide ban may follow). In December, San Diego suspended a facial recognition program in advance of a new statewide law, which declared it illegal, coming into effect. Forty major music festivals pledged not to use the technology, and activists are calling for a nationwide ban. Many Democratic presidential candidates support at least a partial ban on the technology. These efforts are well intentioned, but facial recognition bans are the wrong way to fight against modern surveillance. Focusing on one particular identification method misconstrues the nature of the surveillance society we’re in the process of building. Ubiquitous mass surveillance is increasingl...

Mengenal Jakarta Dan Sistem Sungainya

Sumber: 1. [MENGENAL JAKARTA DAN SISTEM SUNGAINYA] Sebelum kita bicara lebih jauh soal banjir, kenapa, dan apa yang harus dilakukan, mari kita mengenal dulu bagaimana Jakarta dan sistem sungainya pada gambar-gambar ini. Bagian hulu sistem sungai ini ada di Kab. Bogor, di kawasan Puncak. 1a. [MENGENAL JAKARTA DAN SISTEM SUNGAINYA] Lihat kan bagaimana Jakarta adalah kawasan hilir dan muara dari banyak sungai. Secara alamiah, banyak bagian Jakarta yang memang merupakan floodplain (morfologi hilir berupa dataran yg PASTI kebanjiran jika debit sungai tinggi). 1b. [JAKARTA DAN SISTEM SUNGAINYA] Bukti lain dari floodplain/dataran banjir adalah sungai yang bermeander/berkelok-kelok. Dan kita amati, Ciliwung di Jakarta sudah sangat berkelok. Contohnya di kawasan Kampung Pulo-Bukit Duri seperti ini:   1c. [BERARTI BANJIR I...