Just go to a CSE or EE department in any engineering college in India (other than the major IITs), you will find 90% of the faculty and students working on what they refer to as "machine learning". In fact, I will not be surprised if it is 100%. I recently sat in a few faculty selection committees where all 30/30 candidates were in AI/ML (also called soft computing in India) !!! You will almost never find anybody working on hardware, theory, networking, databases, or computer graphics in a CSE department or on devices, control theory, communication theory, or VLSI in an Electronics department. Even if someone has done her Ph.D in theory, she just works on her version of AI/ML, and theses from B.Tech to Ph.D are produced at an industrial scale. I recently was made aware of a university that has close to 500 faculty in CS, 480+ work in ML !!! ...