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The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know The U.S. economy is dying and most American voters have no idea why it is happening.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media and most of our politicians are not telling the truth about the collapse of the economy.  This generation was handed the keys to the greatest economic machine that the world has ever seen, and we have completely wrecked it.  Decades of incredibly foolish decisions have left us drowning in an ocean of corruption, greed and bad debt.  Thousands of businesses and millions of jobs have left the country and poverty is exploding from coast to coast.  We are literally becoming a joke to the rest of the world.  It is absolutely imperative that we educate America about what is happening.  Until the American people truly understand the problems that we are facing, they will not be willing to imple...

Terjemahan Teks Pidato Ahmadinejad di PBB 22 September 2011

Versi asli dapat dilihat di Terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia: Bapak Presiden, Mulia, Saudara-saudara, Saya bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang memberi kepada saya, sekali lagi, kesempatan untuk tampil di depan majelis dunia ini. Saya dengan senang hati mengungkapkan terima kasih yang tulus untuk HE Joseph Deiss, presiden sesi enam puluh lima untuk upaya luar biasa selama masa jabatannya. Saya juga ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada HE Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser atas terpilihnya  sebagai presiden 66 sidang Majelis Umum dan mendoakan kesuksesan baginya. Pada kesempatan ini saya memberi penghormatan kepada semua orang yang kehilangan nyawa mereka dalam satu tahun terakhir, khususnya kepada para korban bencana kelaparan yang tragis di Somalia  dan banjir dahsyat di Pakistan dan khususnya gempa bumi dan ledakan yang mengikutinya di pabrik tenaga nuklir di Jepang. Saya mendorong semua orang untuk...

Teks Pidato Ahmadinejad di PBB 22 September 2011

Sumber: Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia: Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am grateful to the Almighty Allah who granted me, once more, the opportunity to appear before this world assembly. I have the pleasure to express my sincere thanks to H.E. Joseph Deiss, president of the sixty-fifth session for his tremendous efforts during his tenure. I also would like to congratulate H.E Nassir Abdulaziz AI-Nasser on his election as the president of sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly and wish him all success. Let me seize the moment to pay tribute to all those who lost their lives in the past year, particularly to the victims of the tragic famine in Somalia and the devastating flood in Pakistan and especially the earthqu...