This is the second post in a new series, produced by Frog Design, drawn from their publication, Design Mind. The theme of the current issue
-- from which this essay is drawn -- is "And Now the Good News." It
presents ideas flowing from the most recent TED Global conference.
I still remember an early job interview I had at Trilogy in 1998.
Back then, the software maker was dubbed "Insanity Inc." by Fast Company
because of its late work nights and legendary retreats to Vegas.
Trilogy was hiring like mad to keep up with demand and was looking for
'young, talented overachievers with entrepreneurial ambition and
chutzpah.' During my interview I was asked to write a line of
programming code on a whiteboard in front of five people. Then I was
directed to "Brainstorm all the possible things you can do with bubble
wrap." Bubble wrap? TEDGlobal 2009 speaker Daniel Pink would later call
this using a "whole new mind." For me, it was an exhilarating reminder
of the relevance of open-ended play and the continuing need for
workplace creativity.
There is a myth, common in American culture, that work and play are
entirely separate activities. I believe they are more entwined than ever
before. As the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget once said, "Play is the
answer to how anything new comes about." A playful mind thrives on
ambiguity, complexity, and improvisation?the very things needed to
innovate and come up with creative solutions to the massive global
challenges in economics, the environment, education, and more.
So, my question is, "Are our children getting the play they need to
thrive in the 21st century?" According to reports from sources such as
Harvard University, Time magazine, Newsweek, and The Futurist, the
answer is no. In 2007, Howard Chudacoff, a professor of History at Brown
University, wrote a book called Children at Play: An American History,
in which he identified a disturbing trend suggesting that play is
changing dramatically from a world invented by children to a world
prescribed by parents and other adults. He discovered that "the
resourcefulness of children's culture has eroded, as children have
become less skilled at transforming everyday objects into playthings."
Plato once said, 'Necessity is the mother of invention.' What do our
children really need to invent for themselves in such a manufactured,
overly structured world? While an African child might be monetarily poor
compared with his European counterpart, I would argue that he is richer
in play because he must invent the very ball he tosses or kicks around.
Children in the US simply go to Walmart. From education to play
consumption, we have unknowingly created a society of more game players
rather than game designers ?and that's an important distinction.
How can we get our youngest to embrace being designers rather than just players?
Jane McGonigal, a futurist, game designer, and TED speaker, recently
said, "[Game players] are people who believe they are individually
capable of changing the world. ' The only problem is they believe they
are capable of changing virtual worlds and not the real world.' In a
recent magazine interview, a reporter asked Eric Zimmerman, a game
designer and the author of Rules of Play, ?What do you like best about
being a game player?" He responded, "A game player" Wow. I have to say
that I think I like being a designer more than a player. Maybe that's
because as a designer, you're also playing.? Essentially, while players
may feel empowered in the game; designers are empowered by making the
game?and that has huge ramifications for society. The former works well
when rules and boundaries are important to follow (as in an industrial
economy). The latter is better suited for a complex future that
constantly redefines reality (as in the creative economy). How then can
we get our youngest generation to embrace the role of designer rather
than player? Fundamentally, it starts by letting children be the
inventors of play. Consider a simple example: John De Matteo, a teacher at Manhattan
Academy of Technology (MAT) is considered one of the most innovative
instructors in the New York educational system. When he joined MAT,
there was no after-school sports program. Within in six years, the
school went from having zero activities to supporting 20 sports and 32
teams. How did he accomplish this amazing feat? He credits the program's
success to the students, who invented their own games. Some of the
games, like Capture the Farm Animal (which involves rubber chickens,
balls and lots of running), are so creative that he has added them to
his curriculum and teaches them to others around the country. In a
recent interview De Matteo said, "I don't want [my students] to be
limited by what is already out there. I want them to think completely
different than what is traditional. It doesn't stop with school. They
learn to become agents of change wherever they go. I may be creating an
army of kids that feel like they can change the world, but that's not
necessarily a bad thing."
There is an American myth that work and play are entirely separate activities.
Like De Matteo, all adults ultimately need to re-imagine how we can
enable and support these future "change agents." The answer may lie in
four foundational pillars of play: open environments, flexible tools,
modifiable rules, and superpowers.
Open Environments
An open environment is not the same as an enriched one: being open
does not mean providing more stimuli. Rather, open environments are
those in which the child gets to be the author and the medium is open to
Very good examples of open environments might be the Adventure
Playgrounds in Europe or the new Imagination Playgrounds in New York.
These playscapes are, according to reviews, "designed to encourage
child-directed, unstructured free play." The most egregious example of
closed play is a toy like the electronic version of Simon Says, which is
modeled after the timeless verbal game in which one player calls out
directives to the others in the game. With the battery-operated version,
what children might make up in the moment has been reduced to them
merely repeating color patterns chosen by an electronic device.
Open and closed environments can be applied to our digital worlds as
well. But many virtual creations only allow us to be empowered in a game
defined by someone else. Take Webkinz World, a virtual universe in
which your stuffed animal has its own online avatar. Game players can
earn credits to spend on decorating their virtual pet's rooms. In this
model, being a player, and not a creator, is rewarded and reinforced.
Thankfully, there are more open environments on the horizon. Games
like Ridemakerz and Xtractaurs are trying to bridge the physical-digital
divide, while also enabling creators to design some aspects of their
play. Shidonni, Spore, and Scribblenauts are truly embracing the open
and digital potential. With them, the play is so unlimited no one cares
that someone else wrote the rules. Kids get to design their own games in
real time with Scratch, Kodu, Kerpoof, and Alice. LEGO Mindstorms,
Pleo, and the Spy Tracker System from Wild Planet enable authors to
write their own software applications for physical products.
Whether physical or digital, there is a reason kids spend hours in a
sandbox but only minutes on a Moon Sand Construction Theme kit. Even
they know the difference between an open environment and a manufactured
Flexible Tools
Part of being open is being flexible. Technology has given us a whole
new set of tools, though they're being used in ways not necessarily
planned for. Phone cameras, for example, have created an army of roaming
reporters who upload news as it happens. The fact that people can find
different ways of using technology?and that the technology is flexible
enough to allow for this exploration?is the key for innovation and
invention. I would say the same should be true for physical materials in
a child's play environment. A crayon can be used for drawing anything,
but it can also be melted and re-sculpted into something completely
different. Consider the electronic Simon game mentioned previously: It
is completely rigid, with a prescribed way to play. A simple
modification that would allow a child to record his or her own
directives would invite invention, ideation, and exploration.
Modifiable Rules
Being open and flexible within parameters is necessary and even
helpful, but what happens when the parameters themselves no longer fit
our needs? Should our kids be able to change the rules? Don't get me
wrong, rules can be necessary. My mother was a teacher for twenty years,
so I fully appreciate the fine balance between learning and discipline
that is required in any classroom. Yet I grow concerned when the daily
folder my child brings home focuses on rewarding the following
behaviors: walk quietly, keep hands to self, raise hand before speaking,
and sit still in chair. Instead, I'd like to see a second folder
promoting things like: had an original idea, created a new game on the
playground, made up a story, solved a problem for a friend, or invented
something uncommon from a common object. De Matteo would agree.
"Classroom management is important," he says. "But it's not more
important than raising a student body who can do things for themselves
and think freely. If [students] see a school that has all this
opportunity laid out for them, they realize the possibilities are
endless. As long as we are constantly forcing them to do activities,
even though they learn, when they get out on their own they aren't going
to be able to think for themselves."
Our children have gotten really good at following rules, but where
will they learn that sometimes it's best to break them? I would argue
that it's our responsibility to show them how and praise them when they
do it.
We aren't born with playful minds, we create them.
Using the analogy of kids as game designers, we can consider the
environments, tools, and rules as pieces or parts of the game to
manipulate. But what a child does with those inputs is largely
determined by the strategies, skills, and powers he or she wields. In
the book To Play or Not to Play: Is It Really a Question?,
author Doris Bergen suggests that play sculpts the brain and that
clinical indications will soon become valid for the science of play
behavior. It's crucial to understand that we aren't born with playful
minds, we create them.
Ask a group of kindergarteners if they have superpowers. Half might
say, "none," and the other half would wonder. I feel sure at least one
would say, "I can fly." By fifth grade the very question would probably
be met with scorn. And who could blame them? Most parents and teachers
wouldn't even think to suggest such a thing could be possible. Our
culture reinforces this message of improbability with perfectly packaged
cinematic characters that are larger than life. Yet, children yearn for
something more.
Children don't want to live vicariously through a character?they want
to be the real-life superhero. I recently sat down with the CEO of a
US-based toy company, and he agreed with me. When his firm conducted
research on the packaging for a line of spy gear, children were asked
who they most wanted to be. Spy Kids? James Bond? The resounding
feedback was that the children wanted to be the spies themselves, not
the character. So the company introduced its spy gear with packaging
that depicts real kids being super sleuths.
Children also want to develop powers of their own. Of course, I?m not
talking about having laser eyes or sprouting wings, but in a world that
teaches them rules for the first 18 years, it's no wonder they might
want power. Often that opportunity comes too late. Our kids are thrust
out into a world with a limited understanding of what empowerment might
really mean.
Superpowers, by my definition, are the physical and mental skills
that we develop to adapt and thrive in a complex world while exploring
the creative opportunities made possible by global progress. (See "Our
FUN-damental Superpowers," at left.) Superpowers offer an easily
articulated medium for children, parents, and teachers that is both
playful and purposeful. Fundamentally, they are skills reframed as a
type of power within the realm of human possibility and reach.
Superpowers are the catalysts that maximize the benefits of the other
three foundational pillars. Simply stated, they are the pivotal piece in
turning a game player into a game designer.
When 85 percent of today's companies searching for creative talent
can't find it, will more focus on standardized curriculum, testing, and
memorization provide the skills an emergent workforce needs? Not likely.
Play is our greatest natural resource. In the end, it comes down to
playing with our capacity for human potential. Why would we ever want to
limit it? In the future, economies won't just be driven by financial
capital, but by play capital as well. And the greatest game to be
played, won't be played at all?we'll be too busy designing the next one.
[Images from top by, D Sharon Pruitt, Ishamil Orendain, and Oskay] This article covers the difference between the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Home Edition and LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 products. Other articles in the ‘difference between’ series: * The difference and compatibility between EV3 and NXT ( link ) * The difference between NXT Home Edition and NXT Education products ( link ) One robotics platform, two targets The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 robotics platform has been developed for two different target audiences. We have home users (children and hobbyists) and educational users (students and teachers). LEGO has designed a base set for each group, as well as several add on sets. There isn’t a clear line between home users and educational users, though. It’s fine to use the Education set at home, and it’s fine to use the Home Edition set at school. This article aims to clarify the differences between the two product lines so you can decide which... Reading bullet points off a screen doesn't teach anyone anything. Author Bent Meier Sørensen Professor in Philosophy and Business at Copenhagen Business School Disclosure Statement Bent Meier Sørensen does not work for, consult to, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has no relevant affiliations. The Conversation is funded by CSIRO, Melbourne, Monash, RMIT, UTS, UWA, ACU, ANU, ASB, Baker IDI, Canberra, CDU, Curtin, Deakin, ECU, Flinders, Griffith, the Harry Perkins Institute, JCU, La Trobe, Massey, Murdoch, Newcastle, UQ, QUT, SAHMRI, Swinburne, Sydney, UNDA, UNE, UniSA, UNSW, USC, USQ, UTAS, UWS, VU and Wollongong. ... How We Turned 8 Popular STM32 Boards into Powerful Logic Analyzers March 23, 2017 Ivan Shcherbakov The idea of making a “soft logic analyzer” that will run on top of popular prototyping boards has been crossing my mind since we first got acquainted with the STM32 Discovery and Nucleo boards. The STM32 GPIO is blazingly fast and the built-in DMA controller looks powerful enough to handle high bandwidths. So having that in mind, we spent several months perfecting both software and firmware side and here is what we got in the end. Capturing the signals The main challenge when using a microcontroller like STM32 as a core of a logic analyzer is dealing with sampling irregularities. Unlike FPGA-based analyzers, the microcontroller has to share the same resources to load instructions from memory, read/write th...
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