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Showing posts from June, 2015

How Snobbery Helped Take The Spice Out Of European Cooking A 16th century woodcut shows the interior of a kitchen. In medieval Europe, cooks combined contrasting flavors and spices in much the same way that Indian cooking still does today. Paul Lacroix/Wikimedia My father usually starts off his curries by roasting a blend of cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, anise, cumin and bay leaves. Then he incorporates the onions, garlic and ginger — and then tomatoes and chilies and a touch of cream. The North Indian cuisine I grew up eating is about melding together distinct, disparate flavors and building up layer upon layer of spice and seasoning. Much of European cuisine, by contrast, is about combining complementary flavors — think potatoes with leeks, or...

Motivational Monday; How I Made $1,000,000 dollars in 3 years blogging Motivational Monday; How I Made $1,000,000 dollars in 3 years blogging 106 Comments    This entry was posted in Featured, Lifestyle Design, Making Money On Your Travels, Motivational Monday, Personal, Travel Articles, Travel Tips & Advice This week I’ve thought long and hard about writing this post or not, worried about negative feedback, concerned that people would think I’m full of sh*t, coming across as conceited or boastful. But then I remembered a time when I was super broke, five years ago, traveling across Asia, and I read something about people making money blogging and it changed my life. So I’m hoping this can do the same for even one person who reads this….. making money on the internet My total revenue curve since I started blogging – I just broke through the $1,000,000 barrier I was 26 years old, I had taught English in Thailand and Korea, visiting twenty or th...

Monitor Asus VS247HV Produsen Asus Tipe VS247HV Teknologi Panel Produsen Panel Glossy Panel Ukuran Layar Pixel Error Class     Ukuran Pixel Resolusi Brightness Contrast Ratio Dynamic Contrast Viewing angle 10:1 v Viewing angle 10:1 h Viewing angle 5:1 v Viewing angle 5:1 h Color Depth Net Dimension Housing Color Input Video Signal Inputs HDCP S Video Base Swiveling ...

Comparing 16th Century Spain versus Current Conditions By Harris Kupperman In 1492, Queen Isabella turned a small speculation into one of the greatest investment decisions of all time. Following early exploratory voyages to the New World, bands of bloodthirsty Spanish marauders arrived, conquered empires, and began exporting gold back to Spain. Seemingly overnight, Spain went from backwater to the wealthiest nation in Europe. Of course, the Spanish tried setting up a colonial administration to monitor and diversify the revenue streams, but with the lure of gold, most administrators deserted their posts in search of wealth. As long as Spain was collecting a healthy tax on the gold coming into the mother country, the crown was indifferent to what transgressed in the colonies. With all the gold flowing into Spain, you would assume that it could capitalize on its wealth—this was not to be the case. Freshly-arriving millionaires from the New World ...

The 16th-Century Inflation Caused By Spanish Silver Drove A Real Increase In Wealth. Just Not In Spain

The 16th-Century Inflation Caused By Spanish Silver Drove A Real Increase In Wealth. Just Not In Spain I begin to feel like a broken record, but Matt Yglesias has a cool post up about “Game of Thrones” and (what else) monetary policy: As you watch members of House Lannister and House Tyrell scheme for control over King’s Landing here’s something to keep in mind. The Westeroi conventional wisdom that that the Lannisters are the richest house in the Seven Kingdoms is dead wrong. House Tyrell is number one in all the ways that count. . . . Gold is useful primarily because it’s a convenient medium of exchange (who wants to carry all that wheat around) and a durable store of value (keeping a whole bunch of horses alive and healthy is itself a resource intensive process). So people with claims over valuable real resour...

Telaah Singkat Jurnal mengenai Ibu Hamil yg Berpuasa di Bulan Ramadhan & Berbahayakah ASI yg Dikeluarkan Ibu Menyusui yg Berpuasa

Telaah Singkat Jurnal mengenai Ibu Hamil yg Berpuasa di Bulan Ramadhan & Berbahayakah ASI yg Dikeluarkan Ibu Menyusui yg Berpuasa Bismillah mengurut dada di bulan suci ini ada saja topik2 berulang yg ramai dibahas, yg bila tidak bijak menyikapinya bisa mengurangi pahala di bulan suci ini karena lisan dan tulisan yang tidak terjaga. Dari sepemahaman saya yang masih fakir ilmu agama ini, Islam memberikan rukshah atau keringanan bagi Ibu hamil dan Ibu menyusui yang tidak berpuasa dengan alasan syar'i, demi kesehatan dan keselamatan Ibu ybs & bayi/janin yg dikandungnya. Tapi ketika dikatakan Islam melarang bahkan mengharamkan Ibu hamil, Ibu menyusui untuk berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan dengan kondisi bahwa kondisi kesehatan Ibu hamil, Ibu menyusui, janin , bayinya baik & sehat serta para Ibu tersebut paham kapan saat berpuasa tidak memaksakan diri dan terindikasi tidak dibolehkan berpuasa oleh tenaga kesehatan, maka silahkan dikaji pernyataan pelarangan berpua...

Stealing Keys from PCs using a Radio: Cheap Electromagnetic Attacks on Windowed Exponentiation Stealing Keys from PCs using a Radio: Cheap Electromagnetic Attacks on Windowed Exponentiation Daniel Genkin Lev Pachmanov Itamar Pipman Eran Tromer Technion and Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University This web page contains an overview of, and Q&A about, our recent results published in a technical paper (PDF, 2.1MB) , archived as IACR ePrint 2015/170 . It will be presented at the Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems ( CHES ) 2015 in September 2015. This research was conducted at the Laboratory for Experimental Information Security (LEISec) . Overview We demonstrate the extraction of secret decryption keys from laptop computers, by nonintrusively measu...

The Iraqi who saved Norway from oil The Iraqi who saved Norway from oil By Martin Sandbu Published: August 29 2009 02:26 | Last updated: August 29 2009 02:26 When he boarded his flight from London to Oslo, Farouk al-Kasim, a young Iraqi geologist, knew his life would never again be the same. Norway was a country about as different as it was possible to imagine from his home, the Iraqi port city of Basra. He had no job to go to, and no idea of how he would make a living in the far north. It was May 1968 and al-Kasim had just resigned from his post at the Iraq Petroleum Company. To do so, he had had to come to the UK, where the consortium of western companies that still controlled most of his country’s oil production had its headquarters. For all its uncertainties, al-Kasim’s journey to Norway had a clear purpose: he and his Norwegian wife, Solfrid, had decided that their youngest son, born wi...