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Showing posts from June, 2018


percobaan source code ini pakai html import tensorflow as tf import keras as keras from keras import backend as K # from keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3 import os from keras.layers import Flatten, Dense, AveragePooling2D, GlobalAveragePooling2D from keras.models import Model from keras.optimizers import RMSprop, SGD from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from keras.callbacks import CSVLogger from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization import numpy as np from keras.models import load_model from pathlib import Path

Jangan Anggap Sepele Masalah Complex

sumber: Jangan Anggap Sepele Masalah Complex Jusman Syafii Djamal, Emeritus Empat Puluh Lima tahun lalu, ketika saya masih mahasiswa tahun 73. Saya beruntung . berkenalan dengan Maha Guru diantaranya Prof Dody Tisnaamidjaya, Prof Wiranto Arismunandar, Prof. Oetarjo Diran, Prof Iskandar Alisyahbana, Prof Sujana Sapiie, Prof Filino Harahap dan Prof Matthias Aroef serta banyak guru besar ternama lainnya di Institut Teknologi Bandung. Dialog bersama mereka baik di ruang kuliah maupun di aktivitas kemahasiswaan membuat "ruang fikiran" dan horizon curiousity kami sebagai mahasiswa meningkat eksponensial. Ketika itu saya amat menyenangi bidang pemikiran yang selalu dikemukakan oleh para beliau Maha Guru tersebut yakni Dynamics Modelling dan Systems Thinking. Meski masing masing Maha Guru memiliki keahlian berbeda. Yang satu bidang ilmu Aerodynamics,yang lain Thermodynamics dan ...

Live Overflow Welcome! This is a place to learn about topics such as buffer/heap overflows, reverse engineering, vulnerability analysis, debugging, fuzzing and generally hacking.

long journey to OSN Informatika / Komputer / TOKI

long journey to OSN Informatika / Komputer / TOKI 1. Learn Computational Thinking 2. Register to this website and solve the problem there 3. Learn OSK and OSP Topik 4. Learn Pascal 5. Prepare for the real deal. OSN and Competitive Programming

Bebras Answer Books Answer Books All previous competitions are available to try without registering or logging in. The last competition is available as a timed self-marking trial competition. The earlier competitions are available to dip into and try any question which is instantly marked. ​Just click here: Recent Booklets: 2017 Competition - Complete Answer Book : uk-bebras-2017-answers.pdf Download File 2016 Competition - Complete Answer Book : uk-bebras-2016-answers.pdf Download File ​2015 Booklets: 2015 Competition - Complete Answer Book : ukbebras2015-answers.pdf Download File 2015 Competition Junior Answer Booklet : ukbebras2015-junioranswers.pdf Download File 2014 Booklets: 2014 Competition Booklets (w ith answers): ukbebras2014-answers.pdf Download File juniorukbebras2014-answers.pdf Download File 2014 C...

Turkey's 'Mathematics Village': Changing education one equation at a time SIRINCE, Turkey  – Morning sun rays filter through colourful stained glass windows, shining on a group of teenagers and students in their 20s sitting on wooden benches having breakfast. Near the small Turkish village of Sirince, which sits above the Aegean Sea about 10 kilometres away from the ruins of Turkey's ancient Greek city Ephesus, this scene could resemble any other summer camp if it weren't for the students mulling over intricate polygons and matrices. Ali Nesin’s Mathematics Village in western Turkey hosts about 10,000 students a year (MEE/Jeremie Berlioux) Created in 2007 by Ali Nesin, a visionary mathematician in his sixties with a PhD in Mathematical Logic from Yale University, Sirince’s " Nesin Mathematics Village " is entirely dedicated to studying maths. Standing on a hillside in the middle of an olive g...

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