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Showing posts from 2019

Geologi Calon Ibu Kota Negara di Sepaku Kalimantan Timur

CATATAN AKHIR 2019 - AWAL 2020 GEOLOGI CALON IBU KOTA NEGARA DI SEPAKU, KALIMANTAN TIMUR : AIR TANAH & GEO-HAZARDNYA Sumber: Tanggal 23 Desember yang lalu, begitu menonton video ( ) yg menggambarkan ttg berbagai rencana kondisi Ibu Kota Negara baru kita nantinya, pertama kali yg terlontar dari benak saya: “Ati2.... Susah air di calon lokasi Ibukota Negara!” Selain itu ada beberapa aspek geoteknik dan kebencanaan yang musti lebih diperdalam informasi dan data dasarnya. Hal ini diperlukan supaya perencanaannya tidak sembarangan dan bisa lebih menyeluruh, termasuk mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek geologi bawah permukaan, baik yang dangkal maupun yang dalam; bukan hanya sekedar menggambarkan disain yang indah-indah di atas peta topografi, morfologi dan tutupan muka bumi belaka. Dengan demikian nantinya tidak akan ada penyesalan atas membengkaknya biaya operasional kehidupan seha...

Makers, Don't Let Yourself Be Forced Into the 'Manager Schedule' In Masters of Doom , a book about the game development company id Software and its influence on popular culture, David Kushner reflected on the unconventional working style of the company's ace coder, John Carmack. To increase his productivity and find a break from distraction while working on his breakthrough Quake engine , Carmack adopted an aggressive tactic – he began gradually shifting the start of his workday. Eventually, he was starting his programming in the evening and finishing just before dawn. These uninterrupted stretches of silence, isolation, and deep work allowed Carmack to reinvent gaming with the world's first lightning-fast 3D game engine. A tale of two schedules While Carmack's schedule may have made it harder for the rest of his team to reach him at times, the value he produced while working at his full cognitive capacity far outweighed that inconvenience...


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STM32 Blue Pill — Analyse and Optimise Your RAM and ROM Someday our Blue Pill development tools will get so smart… And automatically flag out seemingly innocuous changes we made (like adding sprintf() ) that caused our Blue Pill program to bloat beyond Blue Pill’s built-in 64 KB of ROM and 20 KB of RAM. But until that day comes, we have to stay vigilant. And learn the tips and tools in this article to prevent Blue Pill Bloat… We’ll create a sample Blue Pill program with Visual Studio Code and PlatformIO Study the Linker Script that was used to create the Blue Pill executable, and the Memory Layout that it enforces Learn what’s inside the Text, Data and BSS Sections of a Blue Pill executable Understand how the Stack and Heap are organised Analyse RAM and ROM usage with Google Sheets and the Linker Map Peek at the Assembly Code generated by the compiler, as well as the Vector Map and reset_handler() used during Blue Pill startup ...