What a great book Designing Data-Intensive Applications is! It covers databases and distributed systems in clear language, great detail and without any fluff. I particularly like that the author Martin Kleppmann knows the theory very well, but also seems to have a lot of practical experience of the types of systems he describes. There is so much to learn for me in this book, so I have summarized the main points from each chapter, with a special emphasis on what I found most interesting. There are three parts in the book: Foundations of Data Systems (chapters 1 – 4), Distributed Data (chapters 5 – 9), and Derived Data (chapters 10 – 12). Each chapter ends with lots of references (between 30 and 110). I really like the mix of references – some are to computer science papers from the 1970s and onwards, and many are to various blog posts. 1. Foundations of Data Systems An introducto...
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