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Showing posts from October, 2021

Blockchain Analysis of the Bitcoin Market Igor Makarov & Antoinette Schoar Twitter   Working Paper 29396 DOI 10.3386/w29396 Issue Date October 2021 In this paper, we provide detailed analyses of the Bitcoin network and its main participants. We build a novel database using a large number of public and proprietary sources to link Bitcoin addresses to real entities and develop an extensive suite of algorithms to extract information about the behavior of the main market participants. We conduct three major pieces of analysis of the Bitcoin eco-system. First, we analyze the transaction volume and network structure of the main participants on the blockchain. Second, we document the concentration...

Histomap: Visualizing the 4,000 Year History of Global Power     Over 2,000 Years of Economic History in One Chart All major powers compared by GDP from the year 1 AD  

KHA DAHLAN DAN PEMBENAHAN SISTEM PERJALANAN HAJI DI MASA KOLONIAL   KHA DAHLAN DAN PEMBENAHAN SISTEM PERJALANAN HAJI DI MASA KOLONIAL ============================== Empat kali berhaji dan bermukim di Makkah, yaitu tahun 1883-1888, 1890-1893, 1903-1905, dan 1914-1915, membuat KHA Dahlan memikirkan perlunya perbaikan sistem perjalanan haji. Karena di masa itu, perjalanan haji jamaah Hindia Belanda termasuk kategori sangat buruk dan sangat merugikan jamaah. Pemikiran dan keprihatinan ini kemudian membuat KHA Dahlan pada tahun 1921 mengutus salah satu muridnya, yaitu Fakhrudin, untuk melaksanakan ibadah haji dan kemudian menemui Raja Syarif Husein. Hal ini dikarenakan KHA Dahlan sendiri sedang disibukkan dengan pertumbuhan cabang2 Muhammadiyah di pelosok negeri di tahun yang sama, setelah terbitnya surat dari pemerintah Hindia, yang secara resmi telah memberi ijin kepada Hoofdbestur Muhammadiyah untuk pendirian cabang2 Muhammadiyah di seluruh pelosok Hindia Belanda. Dan di tahun yang...

ASML might be the most successful tech company you’ve never heard of

  The Dutch business is the only supplier of the advanced machines needed to make cutting-edge chips, and its dominance is likely to remain unchallenged. A ‘sliding doors’ moment 20 years ago set photolithography specialist ASML on the path to becoming one of Europe’s most successful technology companies and a key player in the global semiconductor supply chain. As the resolution limits of photolithography technology – the printing process used to make semiconductors – started to come into the view at the turn of the millennium, ASML and Nikon, at the time the two leading companies in the sector, began to think about the future. “Nikon and ASML pursued different paths for what was to come next,” explains Dr Chris Mack, a photolithography expert and adjunct faculty member at the University of Texas. “Nikon pursued a path called electron beam (EB) photolithography, while ASML pursued a path called extreme UV (EUV) photolithography.”    It turned out ASML picked ...