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Showing posts from October, 2022

Xi's China has made 3 foreign policy mistakes: Bilahari Kausikan

Xi's China has made 3 foreign policy mistakes: Bilahari Kausikan SINGAPORE -- At the Chinese Communist Party's national congress set to kick off on Oct. 16, President Xi Jinping will try to extend his tenure as the country's top leader. China's foreign policy has changed significantly under his decade in power, shifting to a more confident and assertive stance than his predecessors. Nikkei Asia spoke with retired Singapore Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan, former permanent secretary of the city-state's foreign service, to reflect on the Chinese leader's style and how U.S.-China tensions may play out in the years ahead. Veteran diplomat Kausikan served as his country's permanent representative to the United Nations in New York and ambassador to Russia. He is currently chairman of the Middle East Institute at the National University of Singapore. Edited...

The final countdown of the Putin era The final countdown of the Putin era. Vladislav Inozemtsev on the consequences of mobilization for the economy and the Kremlin     In recent years, all and sundry, with or without reason, have used the popular formula that "we woke up in another country."   The resetting of the terms of the Kremlin usurper, the arrest of Alexei Navalny, the recognition of the "independence" of the DPR and LPR, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine - all these events received the same similar response.   Today, however, it is probably worth recognizing that none of them deserved such an assessment: the mobilization announced on September 21 became a milestone that truly divided modern Russian history into “before” and “after”, an event that began the final countdown of the Putin era. I will not talk about the moral side of the issue - to assess whether the genocide of the Russian people that has begun will change the situation on the U...

Russia's economy will 'die by winter' because of military mobilization   Yvonne Lau September 27, 2022 · 5 min read In the seven months since Russia invaded Ukraine, some have argued that the international sanctions levied against Russia weren’t strong enough as Russians continued to travel, shop, party—and generally lead a normal life. Now, an action by Russian President Vladimir Putin could be the catalyst that brings the war home to Russians and plunges the economy into real catastrophe. Last Wednesday, Putin announced a “partial” mobilization —Russia’s first mobilization decree since World War II—ordering 300,000 able-bodied men aged 18 to 30 in the military reserves to fight in Ukraine, sparking widespread protests across the country. “I consider it necessary to make [this] decision, which is fully appropriate to the threats we face…to protect our motherland…to ensure the safety of our people and people in the liberated territories,” Putin said las...

Latihan back pain   3:41 1. Hook-line Rotation (Back flat on floor, knees together, hips rotate side to side)   4:47 2. Double Knees to Chest   5:42 3. Spinal Extension (Belly down, arms push the upper body up) - Not for everyone     7:45 4. Flat back Knees to Chest (Hands under belt area, lift legs without arching your back)   8:12 5. Bicycles (Back neutral on floor, cycle legs) - Needs more core strength   8:58 6. Superman (Belly down, can do single arm + leg for alternate version)   10:14 7. Quadruped (On hands and knees, lift one arm + 1 leg, neutral spine)

Russian railway is on the verge of collapse Russian railway is on the verge of collapse 02.09.2022 The threat of a collapse in freight traffic is growing at Russian Railways due to a shortage of bearings for heavy-duty wagons, reports Railway Supply citing The so-called innovative wagons, which can carry 8 tons more than conventional ones, were left without spare parts after sanctions hit Russia over the invasion of Ukraine and foreign manufacturers began to leave the Russian market. By the end of August, about 10,000 freight cars were taken out of service due to the lack of bearings and the impossibility of repair. In total, more than 200,000 wagons are at risk, estimates the National Transport Company (NTC), one of the largest operators of innovative wagons. Locomotives modernization The main manufacturers of cassette bearings for them were the Swedish SKF, as well as Timken and Amsted Rail from the USA. All three companies left Russ...

“Thousands of schoolchildren were left without teachers”: how the war hits education

 Source: “Thousands of schoolchildren were left without teachers”: how the war hits education Since the beginning of mobilization, the shortage of teachers has sharply increased - teachers go to the front or emigrate The call of men to the front and the refusal of the authorities to give reservations to school teachers paralyze the educational process, teachers told Layout. Avoiding the agenda, people hide (they stop communicating) or emigrate, and both teachers and teachers leave. In some schools, 80% of the teaching staff left, somewhere - all the teachers of the Olympiad mathematics. Private schools are on the verge of closing. Parents and students are trying to save the situation by writing collective statements to the authorities with a request not to take teachers to war. 80% of teachers left the school Andrei (not his real name), 39, is a physics teacher at a private school in St. Petersburg. On the night of S...

Ukraine’s Path to Victory Ukraine’s Path to Victory How the Country Can Take Back All Its Territory For too long, the global democratic coalition supporting Kyiv has focused on what it should not do in the invasion of Ukraine. Its main aims include not letting Ukraine lose and not letting Russian President Vladimir Putin win—but also not allowing the war to escalate to a point where Russia attacks a NATO country or conducts a nuclear strike. These, however, are less goals than vague intentions, and they reflect the West’s deep confusion about how the conflict should end. More than seven months into the war, the United States and Europe still lack a positive vision for Ukraine’s future. The West clearly believes that Kyiv’s fight is just, and it wants Ukraine to succeed. But it is not sure yet whether Ukraine is strong enough to retake all its territory. Many Western leaders still believe that the Russian military is too large to be defeated. This...

Negara Mesir Kuno: Seni Berpindah dari sana ke sini

 Negara Mesir Kuno: Seni Berpindah dari sana ke sini Memindahkan barang-barang di ke sekitar itu sulit. Sangat sulit. Siapa pun yang pernah naik perahu dan harus  mengangkut perahu itu di melalui jalan darat dapat (dengan cukup antusias) memberi tahu Anda betapa mudahnya memindahkan barang di atas air daripada di darat, tetapi pernahkah Anda berpikir tentang seberapa mudah itu?   Memindahkan perahu melalui jalan darat  Mari kita masukkan ke dalam konteks yang dapat dihubungkan dengan orang Amerika Pantai Timur. Geografi dari Keterbatasan Temui Petani Smith. Pada awal abad kesembilan belas, Petani Smith memiliki kebun apel kecil tapi produktif di bagian utara New York. Setiap musim gugur, dia memuat kudanya, Tobias, dengan 250 pon apel untuk pasar, hanya itu yang bisa dibawa Tobias melewati jalan setapak yang berkelok-kelok melalui dataran berbukit di bagian utara New York. Apel Farmer Smith sangat populer; dia melakukannya dengan baik, menghemat uangnya, dan menanam ...