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Showing posts from 2016

The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing By Steven W. Smith, Ph.D.

The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing By Steven W. Smith, Ph.D.

Everything Sysadmin: Are You Load Balancing Wrong? Everything Sysadmin: Are You Load Balancing Wrong? Anyone can use a load balancer. Using them properly is much more difficult. Thomas A. Limoncelli A reader contacted me recently to ask if it is better to use a load balancer to add capacity or to make a service more resilient to failure. The answer is: both are appropriate uses of a load balancer. The problem, however, is that most people who use load balancers are doing it wrong. In today's web-centric, service-centric environments the use of load balancers is widespread. I assert, however, that most of the time they are used incorrectly. To understand the problem, we first need to discuss a little about load balancers in general. Then we can look at the problem and solutions. A load balancer receives requests and distributes them to two or more machines. These machines are called replicas, as they provide the same service. For the sake of simplicity, assume the...

Quit Social Media. Your Career May Depend on It. I’m a millennial computer scientist who also writes books and runs a blog. Demographically speaking I should be a heavy social media user, but that is not the case. I’ve never had a social media account. At the moment, this makes me an outlier, but I think many more people should follow my lead and quit these services. There are many issues with social media, from its corrosion of civic life to its cultural shallowness, but the argument I want to make here is more pragmatic: You should quit social media because it can hurt your career. This claim, of course, runs counter to our current understanding of social media’s role in the professional sphere. We’ve been told that it’s important to tend to your so-called social media brand, as this provides you access to opportunities you might otherwise miss and supports the diverse contact network you need to get ahead. Many people ...

Pendidikan (Memang) Akar Masalah Tenaga Kerja Ini versi yang saya kirimkan ke Media Indonesia. Hasil pemotongan di sana sini muncul di koran tersebut edisi 16 Desember 2013. Pendidikan (Memang) Akar Masalah Tenaga Kerja Ahmad Muchlis   Dalam tulisan berjudul “Bekal Mencari Kerja bukan lagi Calistung” ( Media Indonesia , 9/12/2013), Harris Iskandar mengingatkan kita akan perubahan tuntutan dunia kerja. Peringatan tersebut tepat waktu mengingat permasalahan perburuhan yang tengah kita hadapi menjelang berakhirnya tahun 2013 ini. Berbagai usaha telah dan sedang dilakukan untuk mencari pemecahan segera bagi persoalan-persoalan perburuhan itu. Namun, kompleksitas persoalan membuat penyelesaian jangka pendek tidaklah memadai. Persoalan bisa mereda sesaat, lalu muncul kembali dengan kepelikan yang meningkat. Mencari akar masalah untuk mendapatkan penyelesaian jangka panjang harus dilakukan. Iskandar deng...

What Artificial Intelligence Can and Can’t Do Right Now Many executives ask me what artificial intelligence can do. They want to know how it will disrupt their industry and how they can use it to reinvent their own companies. But lately the media has sometimes painted an unrealistic picture of the powers of AI. (Perhaps soon it will take over the world!) AI is already transforming web search, advertising, e-commerce, finance, logistics, media, and more. As the founding lead of the Google Brain team, former director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and now overall lead of Baidu’s AI team of some 1,200 people, I’ve been privileged to nurture many of the world’s leading AI groups and have built many AI products that are used by hundreds of millions of people. Having seen AI’s impact, I can say: AI will transform many industries. But it’s not magic. To understand the implications for your business, let’s cut through the hype and see...

WHY IS ELECTRICITY SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND WHY IS ELECTRICITY SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND? A collection of various ideas. [LONG!] (C)1995 William Beaty BSEE In 1986-1988 I was working on Holt/Rinehart "Science" (their K6 text,) and also designing electricity devices at Boston's Museum of Science. I began slowly collecting instances of wrong electricity explanations. Most were misconceptions being spread by the current crop of K6 (grade school) science texts. Others were in mags and newspaper articles. A few were even in dictionaries and encyclopedias. The more I found, the more sensitized I became, and the more I could "see." In addition I began mining my own head for misunderstandings I originally had as a beginning learner. I couldn't get inside students' heads, but certainly I could get inside my own student brain of long ago. As I slowly learned new ways to understand the subject, I kept discovering new w...