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Showing posts from July, 2014

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Security Audit Sistem IT KPU Pilpres 2014

Sumber: Perkenalkan. Nama saya A. Tanpa nama belakang. Saya lahir di Indonesia. Sebagai CEH, profesi saya konsultan keamanan jaringan komputer. Baru tahun ini saya mengikuti berita-berita dan ikut memilih di Pemilu Presiden Indonesia. Hari ini 23 Juli 2014. Saya membaca berbagai tulisan orang. Banyak yang bertanya: Apakah Pemilu Presiden 2014 berlangsung dengan jujur dan adil? Saya mungkin punya jawabannya. Mungkin. Tulisan saya mungkin menjawab pertanyaan. Mungkin juga malah membuka banyak pertanyaan baru. Namun sebelumnya mohon maaf. Saya bukan penulis. Mohon maaf jika bahasa saya kurang baik. Saya coba sampaikan dengan singkat dan efektif. Tulisan ini saya tujukan untuk anda-anda yang penasaran. Juga untuk calon presiden terpilih, pak Jokowi. Agar nanti sistem IT Pemilu 2019  bisa lebih baik dari sekarang. Agar tidak ada lagi yang teriak curang. Juga untuk calon...

Apa benar kita harus tunggu KPU saja? -- Menyoal Real Count, Official Count dan Quick Count

Dari facebook Prof Merlyana Liem. Apa benar kita harus tunggu KPU saja? -- Menyoal Real Count, Official Count dan Quick Count July 12, 2014 at 9:59am Kenapa sih ngga tunggu real count KPU saja?   Banyak pihak, termasuk akademisi, mengimbau kita semua untuk tidak mengindahkan hasil2 Quick Count (QC) dan menunggu "Real Count" dari KPU pada tanggal 22 Juli nanti. Apakah imbauan ini tepat dan bijak? Ini tanggapan saya.  Tentang "Real Count" Sebetulnya tak ada yang namanya real count jika real  dianggap sebagai hitungan yang benar-benar BENAR yang me rujuk pada keabsolutan kebenaran empiris. Walaupun data bisa diambil dari semua TPS (yang jumlahnya setengah juta), tak ada pihak yang bisa memastikan b...

Customer churn can kill your startup Startups are about growth , and of all the different possible metrics, startups often focus on user growth - if people aren’t using your new product or service in greater and greater numbers, it’s a good sign that you’re not on the right track. And, as long as your business-model is solid, user growth is a leading indicator of revenue and profit growth. But there’s another key metric that can be the making of your company, or the death of it - churn, or the proportion of existing customers who become ex-customers during a period of time (generally a year). In the early days, it’s very hard to measure your churn because you simply haven’t been around long enough. The early revenue growth curves for high- and low-churn companies may look identical.  In fact, high-churn businesses often have exceptionally impressive growth numbers in their first months or years b...

Face detection dengan OpenCV Saya suka sekali belajar sesuatu yang baru. Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya mulai belajar bahasa pemrograman Python. Python sangat menarik bagi saya karena dia scripting languange yang secara default sudah keinstall di OS X, jadi sewaktu waktu saya butuh simple programming, selain dengan shell script saya bisa langsung menggunakan Python. Ketertarikan saya ini berlanjut dengan mencoba menggunakan Pandas , python library/modules yang bisa kita gunakan untuk data (big atau small) analysis. Dan akhirnya, saya mencoba python untuk face detection dengan python opencv module. dengan menggunakan tutorial di sini , saya membuat simple script seperti ini: 1 2 3 4 5 ...

Keep it Simple – A Guide to Minimalist Photography Minimalist photography is quickly growing in popularity with many photographers, and it’s easy to see why. In today’s visually-saturated world, the simplistic style of minimalist photography offers visually-soothing results – with plenty of breathing room. Minimalism provides a refreshing visual break from the constant flood of information, and visual noise that we face every day. image by Sodanie Chea What is Minimalism Anyways? Minimalist photography draws inspiration from the concept of minimalism in art – a style of art that was used by many 20th century artists. Artistically speaking, minimalism depends on high simplicity and involves using a minimal amount of compositional components such as shape, color, and line. The goal of minimalist art, or photography, is to convey a concept – or an idea – provoke an emotional response, or provide a unique visual experience. Compositional elements must...

How To Profit From Selling Digital Products (Part 1)

How To Profit From Selling Digital Products (Part 1) At the end of 2012, I was talking with a good friend of mine who runs a small custom woodworking company. We were discussing business over the last year and a few things we learned. While his business did about double the revenue that mine did in 2012, I made considerably more profit. That’s when it sank in how unusual my business really is: Instead of having a 10 to 20% profit margin like many businesses, I had an 85% profit margin in 2012. That actually could have been much higher, except that I spent some money on equipment (I needed that 27-inch display) and hiring freelancers. After creating each product, I have only 5% in hard costs for each sale. And the product can be sold an unlimited number of times. Compare that to the custom woodworking company, which has to bear not only the material cost for each new project, but also the time, because everything is custom. To be clear, I’m insanely envious that my ...