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Showing posts from June, 2016

The Biggest, Most Costly Mistakes Made by Startups (and how to fix them) In the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a variety of amazing people, startups and small businesses. Some I worked for on a short contract basis, others I was more involved in the overall product design and strategy. This has given me a unique perspective. Just as User Experience Designers notice patterns in user behaviour, I’ve noticed patterns in founder behaviour . I’ve seen the same mistakes being made over and over again, and the kicker is, most people don’t even realize they’re making them. But even If they do, they don’t understand how much of a negative impact they’re having on their business. The thing is… I’ve also made every single one of these mistakes myself . It’s not like I sat back and just observed people crash and burn. Along my journey… I participated in all the things I’ve listed. Hindsight is 20/20, and sometimes failing i...

A new crop of hands-on universities is transforming how students learn Higher education Flying high A new crop of hands-on universities is transforming how students learn WHEN Christine Ortiz imagines her ideal university she sees “no lectures, no classrooms, no majors, no departments”. Students will work on tough practical problems in huge open spaces. If they need to swot up they will consult the internet, not a lecturer. Her vision is far removed from the traditional model of higher education. But it will soon become a reality: in July, after six years as dean of graduate education at MIT, the materials scientist will leave to found a new university. It should open in the next five years. It will exemplify a trend that is reshaping how some students learn. Geoff Mulgan of Nesta, a British think-tank, calls it the “rise of the challenge-driven university”. In the past 15 years dozens such...

How to make a good teacher

How to make a good teacher   How to make a good teacher What matters in schools is teachers. Fortunately, teaching can be taught Jun 11th 2016 | From the print edition FORGET smart uniforms and small classes. The secret to stellar grades and thriving students is teachers. One American study found that in a single year’s teaching the top 10% of teachers impart three times as much learning to their pupils as the worst 10% do. Another suggests that, if black pupils were taught by the best quarter of teachers, the gap between their achievement and that of white pupils would disappear. But efforts to ensure that every teacher can teach are hobbled by the tenacious myth that good teachers are born, not made. Classroom heroes like Robin Williams in “Dead Poets Society” or Michelle ...

pembangunan pesisir ibukota negara Pembangunan Pesisir Ibukota Negara yang Terintegrasi bukan sekedar Reklamasi Pada Awal April ketika M. Sanusi, anggota DPRD DKI Jakarta ditangkap KPK karena kasus suap terkait Raperda Reklamasi, spekulasi beredar tentang kemungkinan keterlibatan Ahok. Topik ini kemudian dibahas di group WA GAK (Gerakan Anti Korupsi) ITB. Dalam rangka itu maka saya meneruskan artikel yang ditulis oleh Josef H Wenas yang menjelaskan soal 15 % kontribusi tambahan yang diminta Ahok dari para pengembang reklamasi. Kepada Ahok saya memang selalu berangkat dari praduga tak bersalah kalau itu menyangkut masalah korupsi. Ahok adalah penerima penghargaan Bung H...

Penjelasan Cerdas & Mudah Dipahami Soal Reklamasi - Ibu Betti Alisyahbana, salah seorang Srikandi penyeleksi KPK, menyatakan : "Program Gubernur Ahok Murni Untuk Kemajuan Bangsa Dan Jakarta Khususnya Dan Juga Untuk Keadilan Sosial Untuk Segala Lapisan Masyarakat." Penjelasan yg mudah dimengerti awam tentang masalah reklamasi pantura Jakarta oleh Posting-an Betti Alisyahbana di WhatsApp group GAK IA ITB : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gara-gara ada politisi "SAntun NamUn korupSI" ditangkap KPK, persoalan reklamasi di Pantai Utara (Pantura) Jakarta menjadi sorotan publik. Di media mainstream dan social media bermunculan 'guru-guru' yang menerangkan mengapa begini, mengapa begitu, sedemikian sehingga orang yang kurang paham seperti saya jadi belajar juga. Rek...

How America Hates Socialism without Knowing Why Why, you may ask, does the US score decently in government integrity but quite low in social trust? This is because America is relatively effective in fighting illegal hard corruption such as taking bribes or kickbacks (and thus has an acceptable score in government integrity). Our legal system, however, has little power in combatting soft corruption —corruption that is lawful but unethical—including patronage, investment, lobbying, and campaign financing. A common type of soft corruption is the practice of the “revolving door,” by which politicians get paid later for their favor done to special interests. It is the prevalence of soft corruption that has made many Americans resent political establishments, leading to the rise of such unlikely presidential candidates as Ben Carson and Donald Trump.

Cold Boot Attacks on Encryption Keys J. Alex Halderman , Seth D. Schoen , Nadia Heninger , William Clarkson , William Paul , Joseph A. Calandrino , Ariel J. Feldman , Jacob Appelbaum , and Edward W. Felten . Abstract Contrary to popular assumption, DRAMs used in most modern computers retain their contents for seconds to minutes after power is lost, even at operating temperatures and even if removed from a motherboard. Although DRAMs become less reliable when they are not refreshed, they are not immediately erased, and their contents persist sufficiently for malicious (or forensic) acquisition of usable full-system memory images. We show that this phenomenon limits the ability of an operating system to protect cryptographic key material from an attacker with physical access. We use cold reboots to mount attacks on popular disk encryption systems — BitLocker, FileVault, dm-crypt, and TrueCrypt — using no special devices or materials. We experimentally chara...

The Legend of Abraham Wald Publications Meetings The Profession Membership Programs Math Samplings Policy and Advocacy In the News About the AMS The Legend of Abraham Wald The story might well be true, and there is certainly, as we shall see, a solid germ of truth in it, but there is very little evidence for the best bits."... Bill Casselman University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Email Bill Casselman   The myth ...