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Showing posts from March, 2018

The Hidden Healing Power of Sugar As a child growing up in poverty in the rural Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe, Moses Murandu was used to having salt literally rubbed in his wounds when he fell and cut himself. On lucky days, though, his father had enough money to buy something which stung the boy much less than salt: sugar. Murandu always noticed that sugar seemed to help heal wounds more quickly than no treatment at all. So he was surprised when, having been recruited to come to work as a nurse for the UK’s National Health System (NHS) in 1997, he found that sugar wasn’t being used in any official capacity. He decided to try to change that. Now, Murandu’s idea finally is being taken seriously. A senior lecturer in adult nursing at the University of Wolverhampton, Murandu completed an initial pilot study focussed on sugar’s applications in wound healing and won an award from the Journal of Wound Care in March 2018 for his work.

Controller DEI 617D

Controller DEI 617D sumber: perangkat yang mirip: Front Panel Operating 1.Power ON/OFF button : Press button and hold for 3 seconds to star-tup the controller based on the preset operating mode a parameters. Press it again for 3 seconds to turn off the system. 2. nd Light ON/OFF button : Press button and hold for 3 seconds to turn on or off the the illuminating equipment. In model DEI- 617D, it serves to switch between upper & lower lights on or off. 3.Defo...

Why German companies fail at digital innovation (No) thanks to hierarchical managers, obsolete tools and daft politics, Germany risks being left in the digital dark age. Here are the four worst problems. By Semih Aridogan Published on March 22, 2018 8:42 am Source: Christoph Schmid We Germans have a huge problem. We invented the car. We have some of the best engineers and 11 of the 100 most valuable brands. We’re the economic powerhouse of the European Union. But we missed a train, an important one. And it is pulling away fast, while we are chugging along with our stuttering diesel cars. ...

Sociologists Examine Hackathons and See Exploitation As the gospel of Silicon Valley-style disruption spreads to every sector in the economy, so too have the industry’s favorite competitive ritual, hackathons. The contests, where small teams of “hackers” build tech products in marathon all-night coding sessions, are a hallmark of Silicon Valley culture. Recall Facebook’s most famous hackathon, thrown on the eve of its IPO to show the world that the demands of being a public company would not kill the “hacker way” at One Hacker Way. Now, sponsors ranging from Fortune 500 conglomerates to conference organizers host them. Even New York Fashion Week and the Vatican have hosted hackathons. They’ve become part of a “toolkit” for large organizations seeking a veneer of innovation. Some organizers view them as recruiting opportunities, others as opportunities to evangelize their company’s technology platforms, and others simply want to be associated ...

Sonic Pi The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone. Welcome to the future of music . Simple enough for computing and music lessons. Powerful enough for professional musicians. Free to download with a friendly tutorial . Learn to code creatively by composing or performing music in an incredible range of styles from classical & jazz to EDM . Brought to you by Sam Aaron and the Sonic Pi Core Team Sonic Pi is available free for: Windows macOS Raspberry Pi Linux Created at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory with kind support from pi-top and generous Patreon supporters . Sonic Pi is an Open Source Project released under the MIT Licence.

How to prepare for competitive programming ? How to prepare for competitive programming ? This is how I won 3 out of 4 Gold medals in the Computing Olympiad. Later edit: I’ve qualified to the World Finals of Google HashCode 2017, the largest algorithmic competition organised by Google. I started learning C++ from scratch during my first year of Highschool. I knew nothing about programming, algorithms or data structures. Seven months after I had written my first line of code, the Computing Olympiad was knocking at the door. And it was the perfect time to see if my learning style was worth 5 cents. After 2 days of competition, the results came: I’ve won the Gold medal.

Kisi-kisi Electrical Engineering Competition

Kisi-kisi Electrical Engineering Competition Fisika 1. Medan Listrik 2. Hukum Gauss 3. Potensial Listrik 4. Kapasitans dan Dielektrik 5. Hukum Kirchoff dan Ohm 6. Rangkaian Listrik Searah (DC) 7. Medan Magnet & Gaya Lorentz 8. Sumber Medan Magnet (Hukum Biot Savart & Ampere) 9. Hukum Faraday 10. Induksi & Induktans 11. Rangkaian Listrik Bolak-balik (AC) 12. Kinematika (Gerak Lurus, Melingkar, Parabola) 13. Momentum dan Impuls 14. Usaha dan Energi 15. Gerak Periodik/Gerak Harmonik Sederhana 16. Pegas dan Elastisitas 17. Dinamika Rotasi  Matematika 1. Teori Bilangan 2. Persamaan 3. Sistem persamaan 4. Fungsi 5. Barisan dan deret 6. Ketaksamaan 7. Polinomial 8. Matriks 9. Vektor 10. Bangun Datar 11. Bangun Ruang 12. Trigonometri 13. Persamaan Lingkaran 14. Transformasi Geometri 15. Kombinatorika 16. Kalkulus Dasar (Limit, Turunan, Integral) 17. Statistika  Komputer 1. Analitik - Teori bilangan - Biner - Kombinatorik - Himpunan 2. Logika 3. Pemograman - Modularita...

Master password in Firefox or Thunderbird? Do not bother! Posted 2018-03-10 16:38 There is a weakness common to any software letting you protect a piece of data with a password: how does that password translate into an encryption key? If that conversion is a fast one, then you better don’t expect the encryption to hold. Somebody who gets hold of that encrypted data will try to guess the password you used to protect it. And modern hardware is very good at validating guesses. Case in question: Firefox and Thunderbird password manager. It is common knowledge that storing passwords there without defining a master password is equivalent to storing them in plain text. While they will still be encrypted in logins.json file, the encryption key is stored in key3.db file without any protection whatsoever. On the other hand, it is commonly believed that with a master password your data is safe . Quite remarkably, I haven’t seen any artic...

Understanding Site Reliability Engineering through Movies and Books In the past, when asked to explain what Site Reliability Engineering is, I found I sometimes covered the plain facts of the job without conveying the excitement and challenge of the experience. Over the last two years, I’ve started to use movies and books as a frame of reference to describe the role to people interested in understanding what it is like to be an Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) or a manager of SREs. A clear definition of Site Reliability Engineering has been critical to successfully running an SRE organization. When I started building a new SRE team in 2015, one of the first challenges was explaining what SRE meant to leaders who were not familiar with the term. My SRE book list came into being when the manager of a potential transfer into my team suggested I give the engineer some book recommendations to describe the role. From there, my list e...

TIPS ANTI COPET DI EROPA TIPS ANTI COPET DI EROPA Paris itu disebut juga kota 3C: Kota cahaya, cinta, dan COPET! Dibalik glamornya Paris, kota ini emang surganya tukang copet. Sebagai p engamat percopetan profesional, gw mau kasih tau tips trick anti copet ga cuma di Paris, tapi di Eropa. Gw pernah ilang 2 hape, Ipod, Ipad, dompet, lensa sama yang paling bambang pamungkas: ilang paspor. Jadi gw lumayan berpengalaman. Disini gw lebih fokus di Paris, tapi ada juga di kota-kota laen. DIMANA AJA? Nomor satu pastinya di Metro. Sama tempat yang rame misalnya di Eiffel, Champs Elysees, Sacre Couer, pokoknya tempat yang ada kesempetan berdesakan. Tapi 99% biasanya di metro. SIAPA AJA? GIMANA MODUSNYA? Nah ini banyak pelakunya. Btw, disini gw bukan rasis ya, tapi orang2 inilah yang paling sering. 1. Orang Padang. Padang Pasir maksudnya, alias yang mukanya Arab. Sebenernya mereka orang Maghreb dari Afrika Utara (Maroko...

Crawling & Indexing: Technical SEO Basics That Drive Revenue (Case Study) Getting technical aspects of SEO right can be rewarding and have a significant impact on your bottom line. The bigger the site is, the more important technical SEO becomes. I’m going to show you how deindexing over 80% of indexed pages leads to great results. Just to be clear, this is not an ultimate guide of technical SEO because we would need several days to go through that. KPI? Revenue! It’s nice to improve crawling speed and similar metrics that will make you a rockstar at conferences and in SEO podcasts, but the revenue is what matters the most to all ecommerce websites. In 2017, our primary focus was to get crawling and indexing under control because we didn’t want to rely on Google’s judgment (which is often right but can also be wrong), with a goal of increasing the revenue from organic traffic to category pages. We started with technical changes in early spring and saw our f...

Why the "duck curve" created by solar power is a problem for utilities lanjutannya: Let's talk about the "duck curve," shall we? Everyone who cares about solar energy should know about the duck curve. Plus, it's fun to say. Duck curve. Duck curve. The long story is below, but the short story is: The duck curve refers to the effect that solar power has on demand for utility electricity. For many, many decades, demand for electricity followed a fairly predictable daily course, allowing utility grid managers to become experts at predicting and satisfying it. The addition of large amounts of solar to the grid promises to fundamentally change the shape of that daily demand profile — in ways that make grid operators nervous about maintaining power and reliability. And in ways that make it look like a duck. The duck curve is a problem, albeit a solvable problem. In my next post, I...