Let's talk about the "duck curve," shall we? Everyone who cares
about solar energy should know about the duck curve. Plus, it's fun to
say. Duck curve. Duck curve.
The long story is below, but the short story is: The duck curve
refers to the effect that solar power has on demand for utility
For many, many decades, demand for electricity followed a fairly
predictable daily course, allowing utility grid managers to become
experts at predicting and satisfying it.
The addition of large amounts of solar to the grid promises to
fundamentally change the shape of that daily demand profile — in ways
that make grid operators nervous about maintaining power and
reliability. And in ways that make it look like a duck.
The duck curve is a problem, albeit a solvable problem. In my next
post, I'm going to get into all the various ways to solve it. But for
today, I'm just going to lay it out. And possibly make a bunch of duck
Let's start at the beginning.
Electricity demand used to have a predictable, manageable shape (namely a camel)
Demand for electricity varies throughout the day, but it does so in
fairly predictable ways. It rises in the morning to a little hump before
noon, levels out over midday, and then rises to a higher hump in the
evening, when everyone gets home from work and turns on their TVs and
Here's a typical "load curve," from the New England region in October 2010:
If you squint, you can kind of see a camel's back, with its two humps.
exact shape of this curve varies from place to place and season to
season, obviously. In some times and places the humps are more
pronounced; in temperate climates, with less heating and cooling demand,
they're a little flatter.
But in most cases, load curves share a few key characteristics. There
are two daily humps. Demand never gets too high or too low, meaning it
stays within a reasonably manageable range. And the ramp-ups and
ramp-downs of demand are fairly gradual.
For nigh a century, that's the demand utilities met, and they got really good at it.
For that baseline amount of energy that's always needed — "base load"
— they run big power plants, usually nuclear and coal, around the
clock. These plants are typically slow (and expensive) to start or stop,
but cheap once they are running.
Then there's "intermediate load," with the next-cheapest tier of
power plants, and at the top of that second hump, "peak load," satisfied
by (usually natural gas) "peaker plants" that are expensive to run but
easy to ramp up and down quickly.
It all worked out fine until wind and solar came along. They do
different things to the load curve, though, and today we're focusing on
solar. Hello, Newman.
The thing about solar power is you can't schedule it like you can a
power plant. The sun shines when the sun shines, typically from morning
to mid-afternoon. When the sun is out and a customer's solar panel's are
generating energy, that customer is using less of the energy put on the
grid by the utility.
In other words, from the grid operator's point of view, solar energy
doesn't look like a power plant at all (those are controllable, or
"dispatchable," in the jargon), it looks like a reduction in demand.
It's a reduction in demand for the power supplied by the grid operator's
power plants — a somewhat predictable reduction, but not a controllable
So now grid operators no longer have to supply total demand. They have to supply total demand minus solar power. Total load minus solar power is known a "net load." That's the new target utilities have to hit.
And when solar starts getting big, net load starts looking a lot different from old-fashioned load.
With lots of solar, load curves start looking like ducks
Which brings us to the duck curve.
A few years ago, the California independent system operator (ISO), or CAISO, put out a short paper on the duck curve
that got a lot of attention. California has experienced the highest
penetration of solar PV of any state and expects enormous growth in
years to come.
In 2012, California's load curve was bopping along like normal,
looking like a camel. To illustrate, I give you this delightful sketch
from journalist Jordan Wirfs-Brock (from her great article on the duck curve):
(CAISO/Jordan Wirfs-Brock)
That light blue line tracing the camel's humps is the shape of California's actual 2012 load curve.
But in 2013, as solar ramped up, things started changing. Demand was
suppressed more during the day, when the sun was up. And in coming
years, CAISO expects the effect to become more and more pronounced,
until the load curve starts looking like … a duck:
(CAISO/Jordan Wirfs-Brock)
Okay, fine, here it is without the duck:
What's wrong with a duck?
One notable thing about the duck curve is that it wreaks havoc on the
revenue of power producers and utilities. That gives them every reason
to exaggerate its inevitability and its danger — remember that, we'll
return to it later.
From the point of view of the grid operator, worries about the duck curve are threefold:
1) Steep, tall ramps
The ramps, those times when net load is rising or falling, no longer
look like the gentle slope of a camel's hump. They get steep and tall
(like a duck's back) and relatively quick.
That means grid operators are forced to take a bunch of power plants offline, or put a bunch online, rapidly.
What's especially unfortunate is that the sun tends to go down just
before the evening peak of demand, which means net load goes from very
low to very high, very quickly (13,000 MW in three hours, in the CAISO
example), and then down low again.
Grid operators don't like steep ramps. It is expensive and highly
polluting to turn a bunch of plants down (or off) and then crank them
back up again all at once. It also makes voltage and frequency
management more difficult.
Coal is not good in this role, as it is slow to ramp. Nuclear is
proving a little more flexible in some places, but not so much in the US
yet. For the most part, for fast-responding power plants, utilities
turn to natural gas.
So California needs enough natural gas capacity to supply the evening
peak, but for most of the midday, it doesn't need any of it. That
amounts to a lot of natural gas plants sitting around a lot of the time,
with low "capacity factors," but being ramped up and down frequently,
increasing operating and maintenance costs.
That all makes grid operators grumpy. Not an ideal load profile.
2) Overgeneration and curtailment
When the duck gets really fat, its belly starts hanging closer to the
bottom of the chart — net load gets closer and closer to zero around
midday. That means all the peaker plants get shut down, all the
intermediate plants get shut down, and some of the base load plants
start to get ramped down too.
And then a few hours later, they all get ramped back up.
For one thing, that's expensive. For another, grids need a certain
amount of reserve power online at all times as a buffer in case of
accident or disruption. If so much solar comes online that it starts to
eat into those reserves, solar will be "curtailed," i.e., the grid will
stop accepting it. (Curtailment also happens for economic reasons.)
In Hawaii, where 10 percent of customers now have rooftop solar, the duck's belly has hit bottom a few times, as this story by Jeff St. John details. Check out the red line:
As you can see, net load was negative there for a few hours on August 8 — there was "backfeed" into the grid, which can mess with voltage and stability.
In Hawaii, the duck's back is so low, and the ramp up to its head so
high, they've started calling it the "Nessie curve," after the Loch Ness
These worries have led Hawaiian Electric Co. (HECO) to pull back on solar
and institute new interconnection standards. (Right now, somewhat
insanely, the grid has no communication with most of those solar panels
and no ability to control or predict them.)
3) Frequency response
For stability, the grid must closely balance supply and demand,
second by second. Frequency is maintained at around 60 hertz. In case of
a sudden disruption — the unexpected loss of a power plant,
transmission line, or large load — the grid needs resources capable of
ramping up or down quickly to compensate.
is done by automated frequency response systems, usually on
conventional power plants. If solar starts shutting down all those
plants in the middle of the day, the grid loses those resources, and
with it some stability.
(Right now, most solar systems do not have automated frequency
response, but they are capable of it — more on that in the next post.)
Flattening the duck
Remember, solar is screwing up utilities' business model, but "we're
making less money" does not move the hearts of regulators, especially
when it's a response to customer choice.
So there's some incentive on their part to exaggerate the duck curve's status as a technical problem. A flatter sort of duck.
So it's worth stressing: There are lots and lots of ways to flatten the duck.
From an engineering perspective, the problem is solvable, at least for
the foreseeable future. There may be some level of wind and solar
penetration where the cost of integrating them into the grid exceeds the
benefit, but we are nowhere close to that level yet.
The next steps to accommodate more solar on the grid are clear. I'll
cover some of them in my next post. Get excited, for duck's sake.
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