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Vuls: VULnerability Scanner

Linux/FreeBSD users can use this open-source vulnerability scanner to identify vulnerable software installed on a system. It uses multiple vulnerability databases, including NVD, JVN, OVAL, RHSA/ALAS/ELSA/FreeBSD-SA.

Vulnerability scanner for Linux/FreeBSD, agentless, written in golang. We have a slack team. Join slack team Twitter: @vuls_en






Version Main Feature Date
v0.8.0 secret Coming soon
v0.7.0 WordPress Vulnerability Scan 2019/Apr/8
v0.6.3 GitHub Integration 2019/Feb/20
v0.6.2 Add US-CERT/JPCERT Alerts as VulnSrc 2019/Jan/23
v0.6.1 BugFix 2018/Nov/16
v0.6.0 Add ExploitDB as VulnSrc 2018/Nov/3
v0.5.0 Scan accuracy improvement 2018/Aug/27


For a system administrator, having to perform security vulnerability analysis and software update on a daily basis can be a burden. To avoid downtime in a production environment, it is common for a system administrator to choose not to use the automatic update option provided by the package manager and to perform update manually. This leads to the following problems.

  • The system administrator will have to constantly watch out for any new vulnerabilities in NVD (National Vulnerability Database) or similar databases.
  • It might be impossible for the system administrator to monitor all the software if there are a large number of software packages installed in the server.
  • It is expensive to perform analysis to determine the servers affected by new vulnerabilities. The possibility of overlooking a server or two during analysis is there.

Vuls is a tool created to solve the problems listed above. It has the following characteristics.

  • Informs users of the vulnerabilities that are related to the system.
  • Informs users of the servers that are affected.
  • Vulnerability detection is done automatically to prevent any oversight.
  • A report is generated on a regular basis using CRON or other methods. to manage vulnerability.
