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Showing posts from June, 2014

Oven Canggih

Nathan Myhrvold's Recipe for a Better Oven We cook our food using technology invented to bake bricks. We can do a lot better By Nathan Myhrvold & W. Wayt Gibbs Posted 30 Jun 2014 | 18:00 GMT   Photo: Ryan Matthew Smith/Modernist Cuisine Room for Improvement: A modern oven, like this controlled-vapor (CVap) version, overcomes many of the failings of traditional ovens, but there’s room for further improvement of this essential cooking tool. Most of us bake, roast, and broil our food using a technology that was invented 5,000 years ago for drying mud bricks: the oven. The original oven was clay, heated by a wood fire. Today, the typical oven is a box covered in shiny steel or sparkling enamel, powered by gas or electricity. But inside the oven, little has changed. Is a brick dryer really the best system for cooking food? Not even close. The typical modern oven—even a US $10,000 unit used by professional chefs or a $5,000 model u...

Tinkering with ADJD-S371-Q999 Tinkering with ADJD-S371-Q999 August 17, 2008 in Sensors , Tinkering The ADJD breakout board by Sparkfun The initial idea of “How was your day, darling” was to record the colors for a day. You know a morning is golden, evening is reddish, thunderstorm is greenish and so on. Measuring this with a simple RGB LED is a brave approach – but hard and cumbersome. So I ordered an ADJD-S371-Q999 color sensor breakout board from Sparkfun and played around with it. Finding resource on this chip is very hard and getting it really working is much harder. Dealing with this complex topic is much more difficult than I thought. So I prepared some arduino code to get you started (after the break). First of all: How to feed it? It takes voltages up to 3.6 volt. An USB Buarduino loves 5 volt. First I tried to take the 3V from the FTDI232R on the Boardino . Don’t try this at home. The 3.3V is g...

Inilah Niche Terbaik Untuk Google Adsense ID

Inilah Niche Terbaik Untuk Google Adsense (ID) Memilih niche yang tepat untuk google adsense tentunya akan lebih memungkinkan agar penghasilan dari google adsense semakin banyak atau meningkat. Dan sekarang akan beritahukan niche terbaik untuk google adsense indonesia . Memangnya apa itu niche ? kalau menurut saya, niche adalah sebuah topik khusus yang dibahas di blogger atau webmaster tersebut, jika blog memiliki niche yang tepat, maka akan mudah menguasai konsep artikel yang akan di tulis. Untuk blog ini saya sengaja mengisinya dengan gado-gado :D agar saya selaku admin blog tidak bosan :D. Blog yang mempunyai niche khusus menurut saya juga mempunyai kelebihan, salah satunya yaitu jika topik yang dibahas oleh niche tersebut sedang ramai, maka blog juga akan semakin ramai, tetapi begitupun sebaliknya. Dengan niche yang tepat, kita bisa menargetkan pengunjung yang juga tepat untuk lebih memungkinkan iklan adsense di blog di k...

Propaganda and Debating Techniques by A. Orange In his Rhetoric , Aristotle acknowledges that it would be better if we could make our case without either browbeating or flattering the audience; nothing should matter except "the bare facts." Yet he laments, "other things affect the result considerably, owing to the defects of our hearers." — Stanley Fish, in his blog "Think Again" in the New York Times, 2008.11.09 "I soon realized that the correct use of propaganda is a true art which has remained practically unknown to the bourgeois parties. Only the Christian-Social movement, especially in Lueger's time, achieved a certain virtuosity on this instrument, to which it owed many of its successes." — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf , Volume 1, Chapter 6, "War Propaganda" "Through clever and constant application of ...

Pelajaran dari Kisah Tambang Zambia

Pelajaran dari Kisah Tambang Zambia Penulis: Prof. Mikrajuddin Abdullah Zambia adalah negara penghasil tembaga terbesar di Afrika dan penghasil tembaga terbesar ke-3 di dunia. Tambang tembaga sudah dieksploitasi sejat tahun 1930. Produksi tembaga Zambia tahun 2012 mencapai 824.976 ton sedangkan tahun 2011 sebesar 881.108 ton. Indonesai sendiri hanya mampu menghasilkan tembaga sekitar 250.000 ton/tahun dari pabrik pengolahan di Gresik. Di samping itu Indonesia mengekspor konsentrast tembaga (belum di olah) sekitar 2 juta ton/tahun. Jika 2 juta ton konsentrat diolah maka dihasilkan sekitar 500.000 ton. Jadi, jika semua kosentrat tembaga produksi Indonesia (hasil produksi PT Freeport Indonesia dan PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara) diolah maka tembaga produksi Indonesia hanya sekitar 750.000 ton/tahun. Angka ini masih kalah dari Zambia. Harga tembaga di pasar dunia sekiar 3,6 USD/pound atau 7.360 USD/ton. Dengan produksi 824.976 ton maka penjualan tembaga Zambia sekitar Rp 5...

How mistakes can save lives: one man’s mission to revolutionise the NHS After the death of his wife following a minor operation, airline pilot Martin Bromiley set out to change the way medicine is practised in the UK  – by using his knowledge of plane crashes.  Sense of duty: Martin Bromiley founded the Clinical Human Factors Group to bring change to the NHS. Photo: Muir Vidler 1. Martin Bromiley is a modest man with an immodest ambition: to change the way medicine is practised in the UK. I first...