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Showing posts from January, 2016

Percobaan Membuat Chart Dengan PHP

The Sampoong Department Store Collapse The Sampoong Department Store Collapse Collapse of Faultily Constructed Department Store in Korea Killed Over 500 Post-collapse photograph of the Sampoong Department Store On June 29, 1995 a mall in Seoul, South Korea collapsed with an estimated 1,5000 people inside. In less than 20 seconds, a section of the five-story building came crashing down into the basement, killing over 500 people. 1   The collapse of the building, which was constructed using steel-reinforced concrete pillars, was blamed on faulty construction. 2   The building had a number of structural modifications during its lifetime which contributed to the collapse. It was originally designed as an office building with four floors, and constructed in 1987. When it was later converted to a department store, support columns were cut away to accommodate escalators. The owner, Lee Joon, carried out these modifications over the...

Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse? Steven Jones' Paper: Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse? The webpage at this URL contained a 2005 draft of the article Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse? by Dr. Steven Jones . The current version of the article is now available as a PDF file. Dr. Steven Jones, a Physicist and Archaeometrist, is co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies with Kevin Ryan. Article Versions CURRENT VERSION Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse? (1.2mb PDF) by Dr. Steven E. Jones published: October 8, 2006 In the article Jones enumerates thirteen reasons to challenge government reports and investigate the controlled-demolition hypothesis: Molten Metal: Flowing and in Pools Observed Temperatures around 1000ºC and Sulfidation in WTC 7 Steel Near-Symmetrical Collapse of WTC 7 No Previous Skyscraper Collapse Due to Fires Squib-timing during the C...

When Plants Go to War Compared to the hectic rush of our bipedal world, a plant’s life may appear an oasis of tranquility. But look a little closer. The voracious appetites of pests put plants under constant stress: They have to fight just to stay alive. And fight they do. Far from being passive victims, plants have evolved potent defenses: chemical compounds that serve as toxins, signal an escalating attack, and solicit help from unlikely allies. However, all of this security comes at a cost: energy and other resources that plants could otherwise use for growth and repair. So to balance the budget, plants have to be selective about how and when to deploy their chemical arsenal. Here are five tactics they’ve developed to ward off their insect foes without sacrificing their own wellbeing. Warning Flares Rather than pump out chemical defenses 24-7 (a waste of resources), plants hold off production until an attack is underway. As soo...

Android Malware Analysis Tools Android Malware Analysis Tools Imagen by davidsancar    TOOLS » AFLogical - Android forensics tool developed by viaForensics » AndroChef - Java Decompiler apk, dex, jar and java class-files » Androguard - Reverse engineering, Malware and goodware analysis of Android applications » Android Loadable Kernel Modules » Android SDK » Android4me - J2ME port of Google's Android » Android-apktool - A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files » Android-forensics - Open source Android Forensics app and framework » Android-random - Collection of extended examples for Android developers » APK Studio - Android Reverse Engineering Tool By Vaibhav Pan...

The lingering health effects of the Civil War A map of deaths from heart disease reveals the American South ablaze in red; of the 10 states with the highest rate of death from heart disease among white people in 2010, all but two are below the Mason-Dixon line. To Richard Steckel, an Ohio State University economist, that striking pattern raises a seemingly outlandish, but utterly serious question: Could the heavy toll of heart disease in the American South today have been triggered, in part, by the region's rapid rise out poverty since the 1950s? In a new paper , Steckel argues that decades of poverty caused by the Civil War shaped people's organs and physiology in a way that left them particularly unsuited for a cushy life. The current health disparities in the South, Steckel says, developed as Southerners encountered more prosperous lifestyle than their bo...

WD-40 and microwaved tampons: secrets of food photography revealed Behind most professional food photos is a stylist who tricks the viewer. These deceits range from a touch of lipstick to redden a strawberry, to “milkshakes” made from mashed potatoes. It’s not that food stylists are liars and cheats. They’re simply in the business of improvisation. Throughout the 10 hours it takes, on average, to complete a photo shoot, stylists are expected to solve any given crisis on the spot. No tzatziki on set? Make do with the mayonnaise or whipped cream in the fridge. A client wants that turkey skin to look a “little more red”? Better have food coloring on hand. “When shooting, you can’t stop and say: ‘Hey, ugh, I forgot this,’” explains Denise Stillman, an Orange County-based food stylist who’s been in the business for 26 years. “You just have to make sure you [bring enough materials on set to] cover all your bases and then [ask yourself], ‘What els...

Dradis – Reporting Platform For IT Security Professionals Dradis – Reporting Platform For IT Security Professionals Dradis is an open source reporting platform for IT Security, tailored towards the types of information that need to be shared amongst an information security team during a professional engagement. It provides a centralized repository of information using a web interfaced based client/server architecture. It also supports 15+ different tools including Burp, Nessus, Nmap, Qualys (listed below). The goals of the project are to: Share the information effectively. Easy to use, easy to be adopted. Flexible: with a powerful and simple extensions interface. Small and portable. You should be able to use it while on site (no outside connectivity). It should be OS independent (no two testers use the same OS). Features Platform independent Markup support for the notes: text styles, code blocks, images, links, etc. I...

Arfi dan Arie, Lulusan SMK yang Ahli Design Engineering Internasional Dikira Pelihara Tuyul karena Pekerjaan Tak Jelas Arfi dan Arie, Lulusan SMK yang Ahli Design Engineering Internasional Dikira Pelihara Tuyul karena Pekerjaan Tak Jelas DI RUMAH: Arfi'an Fuadi (kiri) dan M. Arie Kurniawan di markas D-Tech Engineering, Salatiga. Kakak beradik ini menggarap proyek dari berbagai negara. SUASANA ruang tamu di rumah Arfi'an Fuadi, 28, di Jalan Canden, Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, masih dipenuhi nuansa Idul Fitri. Jajanan Lebaran seperti kacang, nastar, dan kue kering memenuhi meja untuk menjamu tamu yang berkunjung. Di sebelah ruang tamu terdapat ruangan yang lebih kecil. Di dalamnya ada tiga unit komputer. Rupanya, di ruangan kecil itulah Arfi –panggilan Arfi'an Fuadi– bersama sang adik M. Arie Kurniawan dan dua karyawannya mengeksekusi order design engineering dari berbagai negara. Kiprah dua bersaudara itu di dunia rancang teknik internasional tak perlu diragukan lagi. Tahun lalu Arie memenangi kompetisi tiga d...

Macam-macam gaya belajar

ini ada artikel populer menarik tentang learning style. Atau kalau ingin yang lebih panjang dan ilmiah ada di

Beredar Daftar SMA Terbaik, Kemendikbud: Kami Tak Buat Ranking, Jakarta - Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) membantah telah mengeluarkan ranking Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) terbaik. Hal ini menyusul beredarnya pesan yang berisi daftar 35 SMA terbaik di Indonesia yang mengklaim versi Kemendikbud. Kepala Pusat Informasi dan Humas Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) Ibnu Hamad mengatakan, informasi daftar nama SLTA terbaik tersebut sudah lama beredar sebelum Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN). "Kalau keterangan dari Direktur Pengembangan SMA, Pak Harris Iskandar, itu informasi yang sudah lama sebelum SNMPTN dan Kemdikbud tidak mengeluarkan ranking," tegas Ibnu kepada , Kamis (14/8/2014). Maka itu, Kemendikbud mengimbau kepada masyarakat, khususnya para akademisi agar tetap fokus terhadap proses belajar mengajar di sekolah masing-masing. "Kami m...

Waspada Info Menyesatkan tentang Jadwal Seleksi CPNS 2016 di Medsos JAKARTA - Hingga saat ini Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (PANRB) maupun Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) belum menyusun jadwal seleksi ataupun penerimaaan CPNS tahun 2016. Hal itu ditegaskan oleh Sekretaris Kementerian PANRB Dwi Wahyu Atmaji, menanggapi adanya rumor yang banyak beredar di media sosial yang menyebarkan seolah-olah pemerintah sudah menetapkan jadwal selwksi CPNS tahun 2016 di sejumlah instansi pemerintah. Karena itu, atmaji mengimbau masyarakat agar berhati-hati terhadap kemungkinan penipuan yang terkait dengan rekrutmen CPNS. "Kami mengimbau masyarakat untuk menyaring informasi mengkonfirmasikan lebih lanjut kepada keapada kami," ujarnya di Jakarta, Senin (28/12). Lebih lanjut Sesmen PANRB menyampaikan, masyarakat dapat menghubungi melalui alamat email Diungkapkan, bebe...

Sumber Sama, SINDO Tulis "Ekonomi Lesu", KOMPAS Kasih Judul "Ekonomi Membaik", Tanya Kenapa?   POSMETRO INFO - Judul kepala berita beberapa koran yang terbit di Jakarta pada Jumat silam (6 November), berbeda-beda padahal isu dan sumbernya relatif sama. Sebagian besar menyebut perekonomian negara ini sedang lesu, dan hanya sebagian kecil yang menulis sebaliknya. Beberapa orang lantas mempersoalkan dan memperbandingkan judul-judul koran-koran itu, dan yang paling menarik perhatian adalah judul Kompas dan Sindo, sebab dua koran itu menulis judul yang seolah saling berhadapan: Kompas dengan “Perekonomian Mulai Tumbuh” dan Sindo dengan “Ekonomi Lesu, Pengangguran Melonjak.” Beberapa orang yang menyebarkan perbandingan kedua koran, menyertakan pengantar “mana yang lebih dipercaya?” atau semacam itu, dan tentu saja pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu tendensius. Bila membaca dengan cermat kedua berita itu, baik Kompas maupun Sindo sebetulnya menggunakan sumber utama yang sama: BPS. Kompas me...