Sumber: Show me a chicken nugget and I will show you the world. The world, that is, of highly palatable foods engineered by the food industry to go down easily — in some cases, to quite literally "melt in the mouth" — while also stimulating us to crave more. Commercial foods like chicken nuggets, French fries, chips, crackers, cookies and pastries are designed to be virtually irresistible. And, for a lot of reasons most of us don't fully understand, they are. There's a "biological basis for why it's so hard for millions of Americans to resist food," former FDA commissioner David Kessler, MD, explained in a recent National Public Radio (NPR) interview. "We are all wired to focus on the most salient stimuli in our environment," he says. "For some of us, it could be alcohol; it could be illegal drugs; it could be gambling, sex or tobacco. For many of us, though, one of the...
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