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Showing posts from May, 2021

Improving ventilation will help curb SARS-CoV-2 There has been a misunderstanding about how the virus spreads O N JANUARY 24TH 2020 three families, together numbering 21 people, came independently to eat lunch at a restaurant in Guangzhou. It was the eve of the Chinese New Year. Extra seating had been squeezed in to accommodate more patrons than usual, and these families were crowded onto neighbouring tables along one wall of the windowless room (see plan). The largest of them—a party of ten who had arrived the day before from Wuhan—sat around the middle table. Later that day, one of their number developed fever and a cough and, at a hospital, was diagnosed with covid-19. Within two weeks, ten of the 21 were confirmed as being infected with SARS - C o V -2.   The families involved had never met and video footage showed they had no close contact during the lunch. An initial analysis by the Guangzhou Centre for Disease Control and Prevention proposed that the infection had spread via re...

Methodology & Some Conclusions   The World’s Most Literate Nations (WMLN) is a descriptive study of rank orders created from a collection of variables of two kinds: those related to tested literacy achievement and those representing examples of literate behaviors. The latter include 15 variables grouped under five categories, including Libraries, Newspapers, Education System - Inputs, Education System - Outputs, and Computer Availability, as well as population, which is used for establishing per capita ratios, where appropriate. None of the variables indexed in WMLN was newly created for this study. Rather, they all originate in databases from current sources. The validity of the data is dependent upon the accuracy of those sources. Each data source is cited and can be assessed by the reader. In the case of most variables, data for all of the countries studied came from a single source (e.g., UNESCO). In a limited number of instances, a country was not included i...